Borland ® Data Provider (BDP) for the Microsoft® . |
資深會員 發表:41 回覆:526 積分:443 註冊:2002-05-23 發送簡訊給我 |,1410,31939,00.html
A Borland White Paper by Ramesh Theivendran, January 2004 Contents
BDP architecture
BDP components
BdpConnection: Connecting to the database
BdpCommand: Executing SQL or stored procedure
BdpDataReader: Retrieving data
BdpParameter: Runtime parameter binding
BdpTransaction: Transaction control
BdpDataAdapter: Providing and resolving data
BDP component designers
Connections Editor
Command Text Editor
Data Adapter Configuration
Data Explorer
When Microsoft released the .NET Framework, it introduced many new technologies, including a new data-access model, ADO.NET. ADO.NET is a disconnected, n-tier data-access model with better integration with XML and XSD. ADO.NET has two core components: .NET Data Provider and DataSet. The Data Provider defines a set of interfaces for data access and provides and resolves data to and from a DataSet. DataSet represents relational data in memory from a data source. The data source can be either a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) or an XML file. This paper introduces the Borland ® Data Provider (BDP) for the Microsoft® .NET Framework included in Borland rapid application development (RAD) tools, such as the newly released Borland ® C#Buildertm - a pure C# development solution for .NET. BDP is a .NET data provider implementing the Microsoft .NET Data Provider core interfaces. BDP provides a set of Common Language Runtime (CLR) components that allows data access from one of the BDP supported databases. BDP also comes with a rich set of component designers and tools that make database development easier. BDP architecture 永遠追不上技術更新的速度
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