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Borland ® Data Provider (BDP) for the Microsoft® .



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-02-18 19:25:43 IP:211.75.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
http://community.borland.com/article/0,1410,31939,00.html A Borland White Paper by Ramesh Theivendran, January 2004 Contents Introduction BDP architecture BDP components BdpConnection: Connecting to the database BdpCommand: Executing SQL or stored procedure BdpDataReader: Retrieving data BdpParameter: Runtime parameter binding BdpTransaction: Transaction control BdpDataAdapter: Providing and resolving data BDP component designers Connections Editor Command Text Editor Data Adapter Configuration Data Explorer Conclusion Introduction When Microsoft released the .NET Framework, it introduced many new technologies, including a new data-access model, ADO.NET. ADO.NET is a disconnected, n-tier data-access model with better integration with XML and XSD. ADO.NET has two core components: .NET Data Provider and DataSet. The Data Provider defines a set of interfaces for data access and provides and resolves data to and from a DataSet. DataSet represents relational data in memory from a data source. The data source can be either a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) or an XML file. This paper introduces the Borland ® Data Provider (BDP) for the Microsoft® .NET Framework included in Borland rapid application development (RAD) tools, such as the newly released Borland ® C#Buildertm - a pure C# development solution for .NET. BDP is a .NET data provider implementing the Microsoft .NET Data Provider core interfaces. BDP provides a set of Common Language Runtime (CLR) components that allows data access from one of the BDP supported databases. BDP also comes with a rich set of component designers and tools that make database development easier. BDP architecture 永遠追不上技術更新的速度
系統時間:2024-12-04 16:14:12
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