Adding secret registry entries to personalize .... |
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Adding secret registry entries to personalize Component Palette 資料來源
There are some secret registry keys that can change the apearence of Delphi´s Component Palette. you just have to add an extra key in the registry, use the registry editor to create this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\5.0\Extras next create the following string values and asign them a value ="1": AutoPaletteSelect
AutoPaletteScroll Now if you move the mouse´s cursor over the pages of the Component Palette they will scroll automatically, and in the case that you can´t see all the components in a page of the Component Palette, the components will scroll too! There are many secrets hiden inside Delphi my friends! 網路志工聯盟----Visita網站
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