Use key macro in Delphi IDE |
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Use key macro in Delphi IDE 資料來源: Do you meet this problem? You should type many lines, each line is mostly similar except one or two word. Suppose type this:
Data[1] := 1; Data[2] := 2; Data[3] := 3; Data[4] := 4; Data[5] := 5; ...Type this code is too disturbing. Maybe you can use copy and paste, but modify 1 to other is also disturbing, and sometimes you should make a mistake, which will cause you to spend much time to find it. Use key recording can do it easily. In Delphi IDE, key recording is very easy, type Ctrl Shift R to begin record, retype Ctrl Shift R to end record, type Ctrl Shift P to play key record. Here I show how to type the prior code:(the comma is separator) "1, Ctrl Shift R, Shift Left, Ctrl X, Space, Space, D, a, t, a, [, Ctrl V, ], Space, :, =, Space, Ctrl V, ;, Enter, Home, Ctrl Shift R" "2, Ctrl Shift P" "3, Ctrl Shift P" "4, Ctrl Shift P" "5, Ctrl Shift P" ...Good luck 網路志工聯盟----Visita網站 ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]--- |
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