怎样可以在IE,WORD,EXCEL等中添加按钮? |
一般會員 發表:18 回覆:87 積分:21 註冊:2002-07-24 發送簡訊給我 |
打开相应的程式,例如Acbocat Reader等,会在WORD中添加一个按钮,
一般會員 發表:18 回覆:87 積分:21 註冊:2002-07-24 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:139 回覆:3622 積分:7025 註冊:2002-08-12 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 各位大大,我想请教你们一个问题,就是如何在IE,WORD等应用程式中 加入按钮,因为我见过许多其他程式,在安装完毕后,当你启动IE或WORD 时,会在他们的菜单上出现刚才安装程式的图标按钮,一按这些按钮就可以 打开相应的程式,例如Acbocat Reader等,会在WORD中添加一个按钮, 当您想将WORD中的内容转换成PDF格式档案时,按此按钮即可,所以我想 请问一下,这种方法要如何做呢?盼望指教,谢谢您们了。 (我用的是简体字,所以在SEARCH中根本查不到什么东西,所以才....)I_Love_You 你好: 又好久不見了,最近可好?? 針對你的問題( >
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版主 發表:66 回覆:2535 積分:3048 註冊:2002-07-11 發送簡訊給我 |
The addin in office is based on COM (Office 2000/XP and later). Don't know about article on it using BCB, but there is how to implement it in Delphi: http://www.delphi32.co.yu/preuzeti_tekstovi/delphi_in_the_office.htm There used to be a wizard downloadable from BDN for creating COM addin in Office (Delphi only)...
一般會員 發表:18 回覆:87 積分:21 註冊:2002-07-24 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 發表:18 回覆:87 積分:21 註冊:2002-07-24 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:66 回覆:2535 積分:3048 註冊:2002-07-11 發送簡訊給我 |
引言:非常感谢william版主的回应,谢谢!!! 您提供的利用COM来实现对OFFICE中的软件添加按钮, 正是我想要的,因为我在书上也有看到过,只是那些书基本上 是一笔带过,没有详细的讲解,而您提供的资料我会马上去 测试,看看能否在我的机器上真的在WORD上添加了按钮, 哇,那该多爽啊,呵呵!!!再加上RaynorPao版主提供的 在IE中添加按钮的方法,就可以实现我说的了, 哈哈,今天太高兴了,收获不小,真的感谢您和RaynorPao大大 提供的帮助,谢谢您们了,谢谢!!!!I am a beginner and not 版主 > |
版主 發表:66 回覆:2535 積分:3048 註冊:2002-07-11 發送簡訊給我 |
I have uploaded the wizard (Delphi only.... not for BCB)
http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?TOPIC_ID=27410 The only drawback is the wizard can only generate codes for an ActiveX dll targeted for a single member inside Office. So if you want to create a single dll for all office members, you may need to do a little bit more work.
高階會員 發表:95 回覆:322 積分:188 註冊:2003-04-12 發送簡訊給我 |
MSOAddIn v.1.0.2 by Vadim Krochak http://www.torry.net/authorsmore.php?id=2843 可在Outlook, Excel Word工具列新增按鈕 按下按鈕後出現自訂的視窗 節錄Readme.txt其中一段 7) Developing your add-ins MSOAddIn skeleton implementation is also a simple framework, which enables you to create your own add-in in few steps: - Start new ActiveX Library project - Add to project MSOAddIn's core units: EventSink.pas, MSOEventSink.pas, MSOfficeAddIn.pas and MSOAddIn_Utils.pas - Add object model import units for office application of your choice: Word_TLB.pas, Outlook_TLB.pas or Excel_TLB.pas (with addition of Office_TLB.pas and VBIDE_TLB.pas) or import them yourself from available Office type libraries (Project->Import Type Library) into project folder (or your preffered 'imports' folder). - Add new Automation Object to project - it will be your add-in. - Change Automation Object inheritance from TAutoObject to TMSOfficeAddIn - Replace class factory to TMSOAddInFactory in initialization clause of new Automation Object unit (see OutlookAddIn_IMPL.pas how to code it). - That's all, compile and register your add-in. Knowledge of Office Object model is worhty during Office add-ins development. You have resources on MSDN, but better approach - add VB help to your Office application installation - ok, it's in VBA, but covers all apects of development (better than MSDN). |
版主 發表:177 回覆:1838 積分:1463 註冊:2004-01-13 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:177 回覆:1838 積分:1463 註冊:2004-01-13 發送簡訊給我 |
小弟從此網頁下載範例 MSOAddIn v.1.0.2 (D7) 小弟用Delphi 7 / Project / Import Type,按下 Add 按鈕 選C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MSOUTL.OLB 按下 Create Unit 按鈕,重新產生 Outlook_TLB.pas 但是在 Delphi 7 編譯失敗 [Warning] OutlookAddIn_IMPL.pas(86): Unsafe type 'PChar' [Warning] OutlookAddIn_IMPL.pas(162): Unsafe type 'PChar' [Error] OutlookAddIn_IMPL.pas(236): Undeclared identifier: 'Set_CurrentFolder' [Warning] OutlookAddIn_IMPL.pas(242): Unsafe type 'PChar' [Fatal Error] MSOAddIn.dpr(31): Could not compile used unit 'OutlookAddIn_IMPL.pas' 小弟 Office 是 2003,請問該如何修改 ?
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