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資料來源: Borlan CodeCentral http://codecentral.borland.com/codecentral/ccweb.exe/listing?id=16437
Title: Ole with Outlook 2000 example
Terms: No Special Terms
Name: Roland Wardenaar email: Anonymous
URL: None
Summary: Shows how to retrieve email messages from Microsoft Outlook 2000.
Description: Reading Email messages via Ole. Made for Outlook 2000. The program is just an example how to achieve this. Freeware .
Product: C++Builder (1-5) Source Code
Contest: None
Uploaded: 12-Aug-01 10:25:50 AM last updated 12-Aug-01 10:02:42 AM
Tools CD: No
Copyright: No significant restrictions
Size: 7.0K List Files Download now (1435 downloads)
Comments: 1
站內下載:http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/loadfile.php?TOPICID=10339342&CC=231238 取得Outlook中的InBox的信件內容 原程式碼:
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------    #ifndef Unit3H
#define Unit3H
#include <Forms.hpp>
#include "Outlook_2K_SRVR.h"
class TMainForm : public TForm
__published:        // IDE-managed Components
        TOutlookApplication *OA1;
        TMemo *M1;
        TButton *Next;
        TButton *Previous;
        TActionList *ActionList;
        TAction *aShowMessage;
        TButton *First;
        TButton *Last;
        TEdit *eID;
        TEdit *eTo;
        TEdit *eSubject;
        TEdit *eSender;
        TLabel *Label1;
        TLabel *Label2;
        TLabel *Label3;
        TButton *SaveMessage;
        TComboBox *Format;
        TLabel *Label4;
        TEdit *eCC;
        TRadioGroup *rSortOrder;
        TEdit *eDateTime;
        TEdit *eDate;
        TLabel *Label5;
        TEdit *eTime;
        TLabel *Label7;
        TLabel *Label6;
        TLabel *Label8;
        TLabel *Label9;
        TButton *Button1;
        TButton *bCloseEmail;
        void __fastcall NextClick(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall PreviousClick(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall aShowMessageExecute(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall FirstClick(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall LastClick(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall SaveMessageClick(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action);
        void __fastcall rSortOrderClick(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall FormatChange(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall Button1Click(TObject *Sender);
        void __fastcall bCloseEmailClick(TObject *Sender);
private:        // User declarations
        // Outlook pointers :
        NameSpacePtr    pNameSpace ;
        FoldersPtr      pFolders ;
        MAPIFolderPtr   pFolder ;
        ItemsPtr        pItems ;
        MailItemPtr     pMailItem;
        RecipientPtr    pRecipient ;
        // Some Outlook vars :
        AnsiString      EmailUser ;
        AnsiString      FolderName ;
        AnsiString      FirstID ;
        AnsiString      LastID ;
        long            ItemNr ;
        long            NumberOfMessages  ;
        long            NumberOfFolders ;
        long            NumberOfFolderItems ;
        // Saving message vars :
        AnsiString *    Extention ;
        int             ExtentionIndex ;
public:                // User declarations
        __fastcall TMainForm(TComponent* Owner);
extern PACKAGE TMainForm *MainForm;
#endif        unit3.cpp
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------    #include 
#pragma hdrstop
#include "Unit3.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma link "Outlook_2K_SRVR"
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TMainForm *MainForm;
__fastcall TMainForm::TMainForm(TComponent* Owner)
        : TForm(Owner)
        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        // Much information i used to write this program
        // can be found in the MSOffice visual basic help file :
        // C:\Program Files\microsoft office\Office\1043\vbaoutl9.chm
        // If you look at the line after #pragma hdrstop, you wil see the
        // line with "#define NO_PROMPT_ON_ASSERTE_FAILURE" .
        // This keeps the program from showing an ugly error-message
        // when you try to get a not existing emailmessage with
        // GetPervious or GetNext.
        // I rather catch the errors myself with the catch blocks..
        // But if anybody knows how to check for existing messages when
        // using GetPrevious/GetNext, like they write in VBA-helpfile vbaoutl9.chm
        // "the method wil returns 'Nothing' if no object exists ",
        // please let me know. I couldn't figure out how to implement this.
        // --------------------------------------------------------------
        // Get icon from outlook.exe ,if program is found :
        HICON Icon1 = ExtractIcon (MainForm->Handle ,"C:\\Program Files\\microsoft office\\Office\\Outlook.exe" , 0);
        if(Icon1 != NULL ) MainForm->Icon->Handle = Icon1 ;
        // Outlook pointers:
        // It is a long road to the messages :
        // Namespace->Folders->Folder->Items->MaiItem
        pNameSpace              = OA1->GetNamespace (WideString("MAPI"));
        pFolders                = pNameSpace->Folders;
        pFolder                 = pNameSpace->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox);
        pItems                  = pFolder->Items ;
        // Sort the items on date recieved :
        pItems->Sort(WideString("[ReceivedTime]"), true ) ;
        // Some values :
        pRecipient              = pNameSpace->CurrentUser ;
        EmailUser               = pRecipient->Name;
        FolderName              = pFolder->Name ;
        NumberOfMessages        = pFolder->Items->Count ;
        NumberOfFolders         = pFolders->Count;
        NumberOfFolderItems     = pFolder->Items->Count ;
        // Get the ID's from the first and last email message :
        pMailItem               = pFolder->Items->GetLast() ;
        LastID                  = pMailItem->EntryID;
        pMailItem               = pFolder->Items->GetFirst() ;
        FirstID                 = pMailItem->EntryID;
        // make array with all possible export formats :
        Extention = new AnsiString[8] ;
        ExtentionIndex = 0 ;  // needed if message is saved
        FirstClick(this)   ;  // get first message to start with.
void __fastcall TMainForm::aShowMessageExecute(TObject *Sender)
        // fill editboxes with values :
        eID->Text       = pMailItem->EntryID;
        eTo->Text       = pMailItem->To ;
        eCC->Text       = pMailItem->CC ;
        eSubject->Text  = pMailItem->Subject ;
        eSender->Text   = pMailItem->SenderName ;
        eDateTime->Text = pMailItem->ReceivedTime ;
        // long ReceivedTime is a number of type long.
        // left of the comma is the Date value,
        // right of the comma is the Time value.
        TDateTime x ;
        ShortDateFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy" ;
        x = (TDate)pMailItem->ReceivedTime ;
        eDate->Text = x.DateString();
        LongTimeFormat = "hh:mm:ss" ;
        x = (TTime)pMailItem->ReceivedTime ;
        eTime->Text = x.TimeString();
        // fill memo with message :
        M1->Text        = pMailItem->Body;
        // Enable / Disable last or previous
        // when first or last item is reached :
        // This is NOT the right solution,
        // in some cases still access-violations !
        if ( FirstID.AnsiCompare( pMailItem->EntryID) == 0 )
                //Previous->Enabled = false;
                Application->MessageBox( "FirstMessage" , "Test", MB_OK);
        //else Previous->Enabled = true;
        if ( LastID.AnsiCompare( pMailItem->EntryID) == 0)
                //Next->Enabled = false;
                Application->MessageBox( "LastMessage" , "Test", MB_OK);
        //else Next->Enabled = true;
void __fastcall TMainForm::FirstClick(TObject *Sender)
        // Show first message :
        pMailItem = pFolder->Items->GetFirst() ;
void __fastcall TMainForm::NextClick(TObject *Sender)
// Next and Previous can give problems, because
// in certain situations a jump out of the array can occur.
        pMailItem = pItems->GetNext();
catch(EOleError &Deze)
        // Application->MessageBox( "OleErr" , "NextTest", MB_OK);
catch(EAccessViolation &Deze)
        // Application->MessageBox( "AccessV" , "NextTest", MB_OK);
void __fastcall TMainForm::PreviousClick(TObject *Sender)
// Next and Previous can give problems, because
// in certain situations a jump out of the array can occur.
        pMailItem = pItems->GetPrevious();
catch(EOleError &Deze)
        // Application->MessageBox( "OleErr" , "PreviousTest", MB_OK);
catch(EAccessViolation &Deze)
        // Application->MessageBox( "AccessV" , "PreviousTest", MB_OK);
void __fastcall TMainForm::LastClick(TObject *Sender)
        // Show lastmessage :
        pMailItem = pFolder->Items->GetLast();
void __fastcall TMainForm::SaveMessageClick(TObject *Sender)
        // It seems that not all formats are supported for MailItems.
        // Working formats are : TXT , MSG and HTML .
        // The other formats give no results.
        AnsiString FileNameStr = "C:\\temp\\Export." + Extention[ExtentionIndex];
        pMailItem->SaveAs((WideString)FileNameStr , ExtentionIndex );
void __fastcall TMainForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action)
        delete[] Extention;
void __fastcall TMainForm::rSortOrderClick(TObject *Sender)
{            if( rSortOrder->ItemIndex == 0 ) pItems->Sort(WideString("[ReceivedTime]"), true ) ;
        else pItems->Sort(WideString("[ReceivedTime]"), false ) ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------    void __fastcall TMainForm::FormatChange(TObject *Sender)
        ExtentionIndex = Format->ItemIndex ;
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------    void __fastcall TMainForm::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
bCloseEmail->Enabled = true ;    }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------    void __fastcall TMainForm::bCloseEmailClick(TObject *Sender)
bCloseEmail->Enabled = false ;       
HAVE A NICE DAY FOR YOU 發表人 - axsoft 於 2003/06/26 11:32:31
系統時間:2025-02-27 23:59:06
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