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StreamSecs TDocs Component (V1.1 D4 D5)



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名稱:StreamSecs TDocs Component 版本:V1.1 原始程式:有(Source) 註冊網址 適用:(D4)(D5) 版權種類:免費軟體(Freeware) 作者:Henrick Hellstr闣 原創公司:StreamSec 出處網址:http://www.streamsec.com/ 說明: The TDocs component is a container for multiple RTF text files, which are stored in the code of the application EXE. At StreamSec we use TDocs on those occasions when the end user will need more help than what can be given by hints, but not that much that an external HLP-file is motivated. Use it as an alternative to messing with help text on numerous labels all over your application.
TDocs lets you organize your documents in a tree structure, and displays the contents of your document collection in accordance with this structure. TDocs provides means for associating each document with four unique macros, providing control over the mouse, selection of documents, notify events and more.
Note 1: This package includes full component source and is freeware, but it does not include the TDocs design time interface. The design time interface is included only in the commersial version of this product.
Note 2: The TDocs component itself will probably work with Delphi 2 and Delphi 3 as well, but the commersial version will not, since the design time interface includes action lists, image lists and tool bars.
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