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EC Software Help Suite (V1.21 D3 D4 D5 D6)



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名稱:EC Software Help Suite 版本:V1.21 原始程式:有(Source) 適用:(D3)(D4)(D5)(D6) 版權種類:免費軟體(Freeware) 作者:Alexander Halser 原創公司:EC Software 出處網址:http://www.ec-software.com 說明: This component suite covers every help related task in a Delphi application and completes the help functions supplied by Delphi. 4 powerful components manage context sensitive help, the instant implementation of HTML HELP and training card help:
  • TWhatsThis - automates right-click context sensitive "What's this?"-help and implements a fully automated context sensitive help mode similar to MS Word. Drop a TWhatsThis component on your main form and instantly enable context help menus for all controls without a single code line. What's more, it enables right-click help for menu items and gives you full control over the F1 key.
  • THelpRouter - builds a bridge to HTML HELP without extra coding. It manages the translation of help calls and context sensitive help. This component is the successor of the former THTMLHelpRouter. New functions: support for context sensitive HTML HELP popups and mixed-mode help (HTML HELP plus Winhelp popup windows).
  • THelpContextMap - stores help context numbers and their associated topic IDs in a compressed form with ultra-fast searching. It reads help context numbers directly from a help project file (Winhelp and HTML HELP) and is designed to work with TWhatsThis.
  • TTrainingCard - simplifies the implementation of Winhelp training cards. Training card help is a kind of wizard in HLP format that interacts with your application.
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