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FOLED 超輕薄可彎曲的顯示器 未來的顯示器



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http://www.sec.isu.edu.tw/isu_news/Show.asp?SN=448    發布時間:94年4月22日 新聞主題:顯示器新突破 義大完成可撓式白色OLED面板試作    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------    【本報訊】應用於手機、PDA、數位相機上的OLED顯示器又有新突破!義守大學教授橫山明聰完成可撓式白色OLED面板試作,其白光OLED面板再加上彩色濾光片的全彩OLED技術,白光亮度可達到十二cd/A,不僅提昇台灣在顯示器產業的競爭力,更是為OLED顯示器研究建立新的里程碑。    橫山教授原是日本靜岡大學教授,在電子工程研究界享有盛名,經義守大學校長傅勝利邀請下,前至義守大學電子工程學系擔任客座教授。橫山教授平日鑽研開發技術,尤其是花了十餘年時間於OLED顯示器研究。近日研發出可撓式白色OLED面板,受到顯示器學界高度重視。橫山教授並表示,可撓式白色OLED面板是可將有機材料塗抹於塑膠板上,形成薄層的顯示器,該顯示器不僅輕巧,且可任意捲起,攜帶於身上相當方便。    關於義守大學與國際技術顧問公司〈ITC〉有限公司合作開發「白色OLED可撓式面板」,橫山教授表示,彩色OLED主流技術已從過去紅、綠、藍平行方式的發光技術改走向白光OLED再加上彩色濾光片,該技術應用於顯示器上上,不僅製成簡便,且損壞力降低,因此將會帶給顯示器市場極大震撼。他並指出,全球約有40餘家廠商投入OLED研發、製造,且目前OLED已應用於手機、PDA、數位相機、車載顯示器及檢測器上,未來將延伸於攝影機、電話、方便攜帶型電視、收視機和汽車導航系統等領域。    最初顯示器使用於電視機是陰極射線管〈CRT〉,但因CRT本身缺點是體積大、重、且消耗功率大,而日漸被液晶顯示器〈LCD〉取代,讓家電產品大部分顯示板轉由改換為較為平面、輕薄的CRT。近幾年新崛起的OLED〈Organic Light Emitting Display,有機發光二極體元件〉技術,被譽?「夢幻顯示器」,其技術是採用薄的有機材料塗層和玻璃基板,當有電流通過時,這些有機材料就會發光。OLED顯示螢幕遠勝於LCD螢幕,不僅更輕更薄,可視角度更大,並能夠顯著節省電能,未來OLED顯示器將會取代LCD顯示器。    橫山教授表示,由於OLED輕薄又明亮,可在任意地方張貼,甚至裝置在天花板上,成為一般照明器具。此外,OLED在電子報紙市場也大放異彩,該技術應用於報紙顯示器,讓電子報如同紙一般,既薄且可捲起,可為輕便的攜帶商品。      FOLED View a video clip. Universal Display Corporation’s FOLEDR flexible OLEDs are organic light emitting devices that are built on flexible substrates such as plastic or metallic foil. FOLED displays can offer significant performance advantages over LCD displays that are typically built on rigid glass substrates and contain a bulky backlight. FOLEDs Offer Revolutionary Features for Displays Ultra-lightweight, thin form: FOLEDs are thinner and lighter weight than other displays. This means that cell phones, portable computers, wall-mounted televisions and other products that use them can also be lighter and smaller. Durability: FOLEDs can also be more durable - less breakable and more impact resistant - than other displays. With glass breakage a major cause of display-containing product returns, this is a highly desirable commercial alternative. Flexibility: FOLEDs may be manufactured on a variety of substrates. FOLEDs built on optically-clear plastic films and thin, bendable metallic foils are currently under development at Universal Display Corporation. Such displays may be made to bend, flex and conform to many surfaces. For example, FOLEDs may someday be found affixed to curved helmet face shields, shirtsleeve cuffs and automotive instrument panels. The potential flexibility of FOLEDs may also enable the realization of Universal Display Corporation’s proprietary UCDTM Universal Communication Device. In the meantime, earlier-generation FOLEDs may provide limited conformability for applications that include a cell phone that conforms to the shape of your hand or a portable DVD player that has a curved surface to enhance the audience’s viewing experience. Cost-effective processing: FOLED technology opens up prospects for high-throughput, roll-to-roll processing (R2R) of OLEDs in the future, providing the basis for their truly low-cost mass production. Flexible Display Development Program Today, Universal Display Corporation is actively engaged in research and development to bring this exciting FOLED technology to market. Key challenges relate to flexible substrates, flexible packaging and encapsulation. The Company’s program is focused on developing the requisite technologies to realize the Universal Communication Device and products like it. The U.S. Department of Defense is partially supporting our efforts with the objective of providing soldiers with lighter, thinner, flexible displays in the future. Flexible Substrates Today, the primary substrate candidates are thin plastics, such as PET and PEN polyester films. While these materials offer many attractive features, they also currently impose limitations with respect to thermal processing and barrier performance. Companies are developing coatings for these substrates as well as new plastic substrates to compensate for these constraints. Universal Display Corporation is actively working with a number of these companies. The novel use of metallic foil substrates for FOLEDs is a complementary approach to the glass and plastic displays that Universal Display Corporation has made possible through its proprietary FOLED and TOLEDR top-emitting technologies. Flexible metallic substrates provide excellent barrier properties, thermal and dimensional stability over a broad temperature range, and cost-effectiveness. They also offer potential near-term integration with backplane technology for active-matrix FOLED displays. FOLED Packaging and Encapsulation To protect an OLED from the degrading effects of water and oxygen, the conventional solution for glass-based OLEDs has been to seal the OLED with a glass lid (or metal can) using an ultraviolet-cured epoxy resin (see schematic below). A ‘getter’ material is often incorporated within the package to eliminate residual water and oxygen or any that may find ingress through the seal. FOLED packaging, however, is much more challenging. This standard sandwich construction that works well for glass-based displays is insufficient or problematic for FOLED displays where the ability to conform or flex the display is key. Universal Display Corporation is working to further the development of a variety of approaches that may provide the necessary protective properties. FOLED 超輕薄可彎曲的顯示器 未來的顯示器 影片檔 http://www.universaldisplay.com/video/2002foled257.wmv
系統時間:2024-07-09 0:45:56
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