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#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-01-24 22:27:27 IP:61.226.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
大家恭喜!新年快樂! 請教高手們!如何將程式轉成系統程式,而且啟動後顯示在 Windows又下方工具列上,謝謝! 何明昌


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-01-25 00:37:26 IP:218.78.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
我看不懂你所說的「轉成系統程式」是什麼意思。 但是,我可以告訴你,希望它執行在螢幕的右下角,有兩個關鍵點, 第一,利用 TTrayIcon 元件,使程式執行於右下角。 TTrayIcon 請到http://vcl.vclxx.org/DELPHI/DEFAULT.HTM 下載。 第二,開機自動執行。 此必須在 Registry 的 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run 內寫上你希望系統開機時執行的程式名稱。 想要做到這種效果,只要是一般程式即可。不必是什麼「系統程式」。 ---Pascal


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-01-25 21:09:05 IP:203.203.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
系統程式? 我想妳是用錯名詞了吧! 妳指的啟動後顯示在 Windows又下方工具列 就是 p 兄所言 將程式轉成程式 則是 Deplhi 的工作 至於系統程式式指具有特定能力的程式,一般程式是不具備,也不需具備該種特定能力的


#4 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-01-27 10:35:18 IP:61.224.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
hi!pascal,syntax兩位熱心高手,謝謝您的指教,我是用錯名詞, 依照 pascal 指點已下載 Tray 的元件 ( 1.61 版) 但可在請求再指點如何用? 謝謝! 何明昌


#5 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-01-27 11:17:39 IP:210.61.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
[component]->[Install Component] 選擇元件壓縮檔裡某個具有Register程序的*.pas


#6 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-01-27 13:09:15 IP:61.224.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
我已安裝且產生喇叭元件 unit TrayIcon; (* TTrayIcon Version 1.4 Requires: Any 32-bit version of Delphi (2 or greater) Function: Adds an icon to the Windows 95 Tool Tray and has events to respond to mouse clicks. Original author: Derek Stutsman (dereks@metronet.com) Second author: Pete Ness (102347.710@compuserve.com) Third author: Greg Lief (greg@greglief.com) Fourth author: Jesse C. Slicer (jslicer@planetkc.com) Release history: 3/8/96 - Version 1.0 (Derek Stutsman) Initial release as TToolIcon. 3/12/96 - Version 1.1 (Pete Ness) Various changes, renamed to TTrayIcon. 3/29/96 - Version 1.2 (Pete Ness) Add default window handling to allow closing when Win95 shutdown. Previously, you had to manually close your application before closing Windows 95. 4/17/96 - Version 1.3 (Pete Ness) Added a PopupMenu property to automatically handle right clicking on the tray icon. Fixed bug that would not allow you to instantiate a TTrayIcon instance at run-time. 7/23/98 - Version 1.4 (Greg Lief) Added Images, Animate, and AnimateInterval properties, all of which serve to simplify the task of animating the tray icon. Steps: 1) Drop a TImageList component on your form and load it with the desired icons. 2) Plug it into the TTrayIcon component via the Images property. 3) Set the Active and Animate properties to True. 4) Tweak the AnimateInterval property as desired. 1999-Jul-28 - Version 1.5 (Jesse C. Slicer) - Dynamically request a window message for WM_TOOLTRAYICON and WM_RESETTOOLTIP instead of WM_USER 1 and WM_USER 2, respectively. Many apps use the WM_USER x methods and doing dynamically keeps conflicts from occurring. - Separated the different NIF_ tray icon notification messages for improved efficiency. No need to continuously set the uCallbackMessage parameter if only the icon is being changed. 17/2/2000 - Version 1.6 (Ferran Pi鎙na - ferran77@menta.net) - Removed the annoying credits message. If you into SM, you can re-enable it. - Added ability to easy load an concrete image in runtime (SetTrayIcon). 17/2/2000 - Version 1.61 (Ferran Pi鎙na - ferran77@menta.net) - Added the INCREDIBILY NECESSARY property HideAppOnActive *) interface uses Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, ShellAPI, Menus, ExtCtrls, Forms; const sWM_TOOLTRAYICON: PChar = 'WM_TOOLTRAYICON'; sWM_RESETTOOLTIP: PChar = 'WM_RESETTOOLTIP'; iDEFAULT_ANIMATE_INTERVAL = 100; var WM_TOOLTRAYICON : UINT = 0; WM_RESETTOOLTIP : UINT = 0; type TModIconTypes = (modUnknown, modMessage, modIcon, modToolTip); TModIconOps = set of TModIconTypes; TTrayIcon = class(TComponent) private //Private declarations IconData : TNotifyIconData; FAnimate, FHide, FActive, FShowDesigning: Boolean; FAnimateInterval, FCurrentImage : Integer; FIcon, FOriginalIcon : TIcon; //storage location used if developer chooses to animate tray icon FToolTip : string; FWindowHandle : HWND; FTimer : TTimer; FOnClick, FOnDblClick : TNotifyEvent; FOnRightClick : TMouseEvent; FPopupMenu : TPopupMenu; FImages : TImageList; function AddIcon: Boolean; function ModifyIcon(modIconOps: TModIconOps): Boolean; function DeleteIcon: Boolean; procedure SetHide(bValue: Boolean); procedure SetActive(bValue: Boolean); procedure SetAnimate(bValue: Boolean); procedure SetAnimateInterval(iValue: Integer); procedure SetShowDesigning(bValue: Boolean); procedure SetIcon(icnValue: TIcon); procedure SetToolTip(const sValue: string); procedure WndProc(var msg: TMessage); procedure FillDataStructure(modIconOps: TModIconOps); procedure ChangeIcon(Sender: TObject); protected //Protected declarations procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation : TOperation); override; procedure DoDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DoClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DoRightClick(Sender: TObject); public //Public declarations constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Handle : HWND read FWindowHandle; published //Published declarations property HideAppOnActive: Boolean read FHide write SetHide; property Active : Boolean read FActive write SetActive; property Animate : Boolean read FAnimate write SetAnimate; property AnimateInterval: Integer read FAnimateInterval write SetAnimateInterval default iDEFAULT_ANIMATE_INTERVAL; property ShowDesigning : Boolean read FShowDesigning write SetShowDesigning; property Icon : TIcon read FIcon write SetIcon; property Images : TImageList read FImages write FImages; property ToolTip : string read FTooltip write SetToolTip; property OnClick : TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; property OnDblClick : TNotifyEvent read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick; property OnRightClick : TMouseEvent read FOnRightClick write FonRightClick; property PopupMenu : TPopupMenu read FPopupMenu write FPopupMenu; Procedure SetTrayIcon(Sender: TObject; Const IconIndex:Integer); end; procedure Register; implementation uses Dialogs, SysUtils; const cCR = #13; {$R TrayIcon.res} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ constructor TTrayIcon.Create(AOwner: TComponent); {resourcestring rsAboutBox = 'TTrayIcon version 1.5' cCR 'Original author: Derek Stutsman' cCR 'More mods by Pete Ness' cCR 'Yet more mods by Greg Lief' cCR 'Even more mods by Jesse C. Slicer' cCR 'Retouches by Ferran Pi鎙na';} begin //constructor TTrayIcon.Create inherited Create(AOwner); FWindowHandle := AllocateHWnd(WndProc); WM_TOOLTRAYICON := RegisterWindowMessage(sWM_TOOLTRAYICON); WM_RESETTOOLTIP := RegisterWindowMessage(sWM_RESETTOOLTIP); FIcon := TIcon.Create; FOriginalIcon := TIcon.Create; FAnimateInterval := iDEFAULT_ANIMATE_INTERVAL; FTimer := TTimer.Create(Self); with FTimer do begin //with Enabled := False; OnTimer := ChangeIcon; end; //with { if csDesigning in ComponentState then MessageDlg(rsAboutBox, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); ***La propaganda us la foteu pel cul, h瓋tia!*** } end; //constructor TTrayIcon.Create //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ destructor TTrayIcon.Destroy; begin //destructor TTrayIcon.Destroy if (not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and FActive) or ((csDesigning in ComponentState) and FShowDesigning) then DeleteIcon; FTimer.Free; FOriginalIcon.Free; FIcon.Free; DeAllocateHWnd(FWindowHandle); inherited Destroy; end; //destructor TTrayIcon.Destroy //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation : TOperation); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.Notification if (AComponent = FImages) and (Operation = opRemove) then begin //if..then Animate := False; FImages := nil; end; //if..then end; //procedure TTrayIcon.Notification //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.DoDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.DoDblClick if Assigned(FOnDblClick) then FOnDblClick(Sender); end; //procedure TTrayIcon.DoDblClick //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.DoClick(Sender: TObject); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.DoClick if Assigned(FOnClick) then FOnClick(Sender); end; //procedure TTrayIcon.DoClick //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.DoRightClick(Sender: TObject); var MouseCo: TPoint; begin //procedure TTrayIcon.DoRightClick GetCursorPos(MouseCo); if Assigned(FPopupMenu) then begin //if..then SetForegroundWindow(Application.Handle); Application.ProcessMessages; FPopupMenu.Popup(MouseCo.x, MouseCo.y); end; //if..then if Assigned(FOnRightClick) then FOnRightClick(Sender, mbRight, [], MouseCo.x, MouseCo.y); end; //procedure TTrayIcon.DoRightClick //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TTrayIcon.AddIcon: Boolean; begin //function TTrayIcon.AddIcon FillDataStructure([modMessage, modIcon, modToolTip]); Result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, @IconData); //For some reason, if there is no tool tip set up, then the icon //doesn't display. This fixes that. if FToolTip = '' then PostMessage(FWindowHandle, WM_RESETTOOLTIP, 0, 0); end; //function TTrayIcon.AddIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TTrayIcon.ModifyIcon(modIconOps: TModIconOps): Boolean; begin //function TTrayIcon.ModifyIcon FillDataStructure(modIconOps); if FActive then Result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, @IconData) else Result := True; end; //function TTrayIcon.ModifyIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function TTrayIcon.DeleteIcon: Boolean; begin //function TTrayIcon.DeleteIcon Result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, @IconData); end; //function TTrayIcon.DeleteIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.SetHide(bValue: Boolean); Begin FHide:=bValue; End; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.SetActive(bValue: Boolean); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.SetActive if bValue <> FActive then begin //if..then FActive := bValue; if not (csdesigning in ComponentState) then if FActive then Begin If FHide Then ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE); AddIcon; End else Begin If FHide Then ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_SHOW); DeleteIcon; End; end; //if..then end; //procedure TTrayIcon.SetActive //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.SetAnimate(bValue: Boolean); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.SetAnimate if (not bValue) or (Assigned(FImages) and (FImages.Count > 0) and FActive) then begin //if..then 1 FAnimate := bValue; if FAnimate then begin //if..then 2 FOriginalIcon.Assign(fIcon); FCurrentImage := 0; end; //if..then 2 FTimer.Enabled := FAnimate; if not bValue then SetIcon(FOriginalIcon); end; //if..then 1 end; //procedure TTrayIcon.SetAnimate //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.SetAnimateInterval(iValue: Integer); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.SetAnimateInterval if iValue > 0 then begin //if..then FAnimateInterval := iValue; FTimer.Interval := FAnimateInterval; end; //if..then end; //procedure TTrayIcon.SetAnimateInterval //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.SetShowDesigning(bValue: Boolean); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.SetShowDesigning if csDesigning in ComponentState then if bValue <> FShowDesigning then begin //if..then FShowDesigning := bValue; if FShowDesigning then AddIcon else DeleteIcon; end; //if..then end; //procedure TTrayIcon.SetShowDesigning //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.SetIcon(icnValue: TIcon); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.SetIcon if icnValue <> FIcon then begin //if..then FIcon.Assign(icnValue); ModifyIcon([modIcon]); end; //if..then end; //procedure TTrayIcon.SetIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.SetToolTip(const sValue: string); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.SetToolTip //This routine ALWAYS re-sets the field value and re-loads the //icon. This is so the ToolTip can be set blank when the component //is first loaded. If this is changed, the icon will be blank on //the tray when no ToolTip is specified. FToolTip := Copy(sValue, 1, 62); ModifyIcon([modToolTip, modIcon]); end; //procedure TTrayIcon.SetToolTip //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.WndProc(var msg: TMessage); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.WndProc with msg do if msg = WM_RESETTOOLTIP then SetToolTip(FToolTip) else if msg = WM_TOOLTRAYICON then case lParam of WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: DoDblClick(Self); WM_LBUTTONUP : DoClick(Self); WM_RBUTTONUP : DoRightClick(Self); end else //Handle all messages with the default handler Result := DefWindowProc(FWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; //procedure TTrayIcon.WndProc //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.FillDataStructure(modIconOps: TModIconOps); begin //procedure TTrayIcon.FillDataStructure with IconData do begin //with cbSize := SizeOf(TNotifyIconData); wnd := FWindowHandle; uID := 0; //is not passed in with message so make it 0 uFlags := 0; if modMessage in modIconOps then begin //if..then uFlags := uFlags or NIF_MESSAGE; uCallbackMessage := WM_TOOLTRAYICON; end; //if..then if modIcon in modIconOps then begin //if..then uFlags := uFlags or NIF_ICON; hIcon := FIcon.Handle; end; //if..then if modToolTip in modIconOps then begin //if..then uFlags := uFlags or NIF_TIP; StrPCopy(szTip, FToolTip); end; //if..then end; //with end; //procedure TTrayIcon.FillDataStructure //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TTrayIcon.ChangeIcon(Sender: TObject); var icnTempIcon: TIcon; begin //procedure TTrayIcon.ChangeIcon icnTempIcon := TIcon.Create; try if FCurrentImage = Pred(FImages.Count) then FCurrentImage := 0 else Inc(FCurrentImage); FImages.GetIcon(FCurrentImage, icnTempIcon); SetIcon(icnTempIcon); finally icnTempIcon.Free; end; //try..finally end; //procedure TTrayIcon.ChangeIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure TTrayIcon.SetTrayIcon(Sender: TObject; Const IconIndex:Integer); var icnTempIcon: TIcon; begin If (Assigned(FImages)) And Not(IconIndex>=FImages.Count) Then Begin SetAnimate(False); icnTempIcon:=TIcon.Create; try FCurrentImage:=IconIndex; FImages.GetIcon(FCurrentImage, icnTempIcon); SetIcon(icnTempIcon); finally icnTempIcon.Free; End; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure Register; begin //procedure Register RegisterComponents('Win32', [TTrayIcon]); end; //procedure Register //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ end. //unit TrayIcon 何明昌


#7 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-01-27 13:12:15 IP:61.224.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
但我不會用那個元件! 何明昌


#8 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-01-27 16:51:29 IP:61.224.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
我會了!如下做法可達到我的要求: 執行完程式後: ProgInstNo:= FindWindow(Nil,PChar('LocalTim')); ShowWindow(FindWindow(Nil,PChar('LocalTim')),SW_MINIMIZE); ShowWindow(ProgInstNo,SW_HIDE); lWinHide := true; procedure TForm1.TrayIcon1DblClick(Sender: TObject); var ProgInstNo:integer; begin ProgInstNo:= FindWindow(Nil,PChar('LocalTim')); ShowWindow(ProgInstNo,SW_SHOWNORMAL); lWinHide := False; end; 何明昌
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