請教多欄位ListView的編輯 |
中階會員 發表:170 回覆:136 積分:81 註冊:2002-04-15 發送簡訊給我 |
小弟想用ListView 顯示分群組並指定欄位可編輯, 如下,能否設定 Last name & First Name不可編輯, Age 可編輯? 謝謝! procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const Names: array[0..5, 0..2] of string = ( ('Rubble', 'Barney', '10'), ('Michael', 'Johnson', '15'), ('Bunny', 'Bugs', '20'), ('Silver', 'HiHo', '25'), ('Simpson', 'Bart', '20'), ('Squirrel', 'Rocky', '10') ); var I: Integer; NewColumn: TListColumn; ListItem: TListItem; ListView: TListView; begin ListView := TListView.Create(Self); with ListView do begin Parent := Self; Align := alClient; ViewStyle := vsReport; NewColumn := Columns.Add; NewColumn.Caption := 'Last'; NewColumn := Columns.Add; NewColumn.Caption := 'First'; NewColumn := Columns.Add; NewColumn.Caption := 'Age'; for I := Low(Names) to High(Names) do begin ListItem := Items.Add; ListItem.Caption := Names[I][0]; ListItem.SubItems.Add(Names[I][1]); ListItem.SubItems.Add(Names[I][2]); end; end; end; |
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