請問 ExtractStrings([' '], [' '], pchar(astr), itemlist) 在做什麼? |
一般會員 發表:35 回覆:70 積分:21 註冊:2005-09-02 發送簡訊給我 |
請問各位大德,我有COPY 用INDY寫賣酸梅湯發EMAIL的程式,當中有下列之程式,不了解它在做什麼
ExtractStrings([' '], [' '], pchar(astr), itemlist),有查help ,但查不到 ExtractStrings之資料. 有那位大德可指導一下嗎? 整段程式碼如下: function TForm1.parseline(astr: string): string; var itemlist: TStringList; i: integer; aitem: string; afile: string; astart: integer; ext: string; flag: boolean; begin flag:= false; result:= astr; itemList:= TStringList.Create; ExtractStrings([' '], [' '], pchar(astr), itemlist); for i:= 0 to itemlist.Count - 1 do begin ..... END; |
尊榮會員 發表:152 回覆:1187 積分:892 註冊:2002-06-12 發送簡訊給我 |
Classes Description Use ExtractStrings to fill a string list with the substrings of the null-terminated string specified by Content. google吧 http://www.google.com.tw/search?hl=zh-TW&q=delphi ExtractStrings&meta=&aq=f ===================引 用 joana 文 章=================== ExtractStrings([' '], [' '], pchar(astr), itemlist),有查help ,但查不到 ExtractStrings之資料. itemList:= TStringList.Create; ExtractStrings([' '], [' '], pchar(astr), itemlist); |
尊榮會員 發表:70 回覆:657 積分:1140 註冊:2003-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
Fills a string list with substrings parsed from a delimited list.
Unit Classes Category string handling routines (null-terminated) Delphi syntax: function ExtractStrings(Separators, WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar; Strings: TStrings): Integer; C syntax: extern PACKAGE int __fastcall ExtractStrings(TSysCharSet Separators, TSysCharSet WhiteSpace, char * Content, TStrings Strings); Description Use ExtractStrings to fill a string list with the substrings of the null-terminated string specified by Content. Separators is a set of characters that are used as delimiters, separating the substrings. Carriage returns, newline characters, and quote characters (single or double) are always treated as separators. Separators are ignored when inside a quoted string until the final end quote. (Note that quoted characters can appear in a quoted string if the quote character is doubled.) WhiteSpace is a set of characters to be ignored when parsing Content if they occur at the beginning of a string. Content is the null-terminated string to parse into substrings. Strings is a string list to which all substrings parsed from Content are added. The string list is not cleared by ExtractStrings, so any strings already in the string list are preserved. ExtractStrings returns the number of strings added to the Strings parameter. Note: ExtractStrings does not add empty strings to the list.
努力會更接近成功 |
尊榮會員 發表:70 回覆:657 積分:1140 註冊:2003-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
ExtractStrings(Separators, WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar; Strings: TStrings): Integer;
Separators 參數指定一組分割符,所有的子串都是用它們分割的。但是成對的引號內的分割符會被忽略 (例如:'一定|我們 "我一定|要成功|?")。 WhiteSpace 參數指定每個子串開頭被忽略的字元。 (例如:[' ', '#', '.']則'我們|我們 '我們|一定|"我一定|要成功|?"') Strings 參數用於接收分割後的各個子串。它的原有內容不會被清空。別忘了Create哦。 另外,EctractStrings不會把(忽略WhiteSpaces後的)空串加入到Strings中。 傳回值是 -> 分割後的數量
pceyes 重新編輯於 2008-06-30 18:09:16, 註解 無‧
一般會員 發表:62 回覆:57 積分:23 註冊:2003-06-13 發送簡訊給我 |
让它可以实现",a,"====>拆分成1>.空,2>.a,3>空 "a,,a"==>1>.a,2>.空,3>.a 我觉得更好用,特别是自已写字符串规则时, function kExtractStrings(Separators, WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar; Strings: TStrings): Integer; var Head, Tail: PChar; EOS, InQuote: Boolean; QuoteChar: Char; Item: string; begin Result := 0; if (Content = nil) or (Content^=#0) or (Strings = nil) then Exit; Tail := Content; InQuote := False; QuoteChar := #0; Strings.BeginUpdate; try repeat while Tail^ in WhiteSpace [#13, #10] do Tail := StrNextChar(Tail); Head := Tail; while True do begin while (InQuote and not (Tail^ in [QuoteChar, #0])) or not (Tail^ in Separators [#0, #13, #10, '''', '"']) do Tail := StrNextChar(Tail); if Tail^ in ['''', '"'] then begin if (QuoteChar <> #0) and (QuoteChar = Tail^) then QuoteChar := #0 else if QuoteChar = #0 then QuoteChar := Tail^; InQuote := QuoteChar <> #0; Tail := StrNextChar(Tail); end else Break; end; EOS := Tail^ = #0; if 1=1 {(Head <> Tail)and让它支持空串} {(Head^ <> #0)让它支持空,比如:',1,',将拆成三段)} then begin if Strings <> nil then begin SetString(Item, Head, Tail - Head); Strings.Add(Item); end; Inc(Result); end; Tail := StrNextChar(Tail); until EOS; finally Strings.EndUpdate; end; end;
aKnightChen@Hotmail.com 重新編輯於 2008-06-30 22:21:10, 註解 無‧
一般會員 發表:35 回覆:70 積分:21 註冊:2005-09-02 發送簡訊給我 |
尊榮會員 發表:70 回覆:657 積分:1140 註冊:2003-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
請另行至 輸入法與字型程式設計討論區(Delphi) 重新開版
===================引 用 joana 文 章=================== 謝謝各位大德熱心的指導,所提供的資料可能須要稍為消化一下. 可否再請教一個問題,如果html裡有 [簡体字]or[Unicode碼] 可否add進去TStringList裡? TStringList的內容如何show出來,是否須再add進去Tmemo裡才能看? 謝謝指導!
努力會更接近成功 |
一般會員 發表:35 回覆:70 積分:21 註冊:2005-09-02 發送簡訊給我 |
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