如何讀取文字檔中我想要的文字段落 |
一般會員 發表:2 回覆:4 積分:1 註冊:2006-11-14 發送簡訊給我 |
我有2個檔案如附件,若我想要擷取下最紅字部分後顯示在DateGrid上。 FILE_1 Bin01-01 Total QTY:2 LotNumber: Date: 2007/12/27 09:04:02 M/C No: 002 Wafer Name: B0763710.csv QTY: 2 Barcode No: F0203373 Min Avg Max Std LOP1 060.12 060.75 061.38 000.63 VF2 003.48 003.48 003.48 000.00 WLD 454.41 454.52 454.63 000.11 FILE_2 Bin41-01 Total QTY:6998 LotNumber: 20070724-001 Date: 2007/07/30 15:44:30 M/C No: 03 Wafer Name: B0728311.csv QTY: 98 Wafer Name: B0728305.rpt QTY: 3291 Wafer Name: B0729711.csv QTY: 316 Wafer Name: B0729701.csv QTY: 1158 Wafer Name: B0726802.csv QTY: 1895 Wafer Name: B0730306.csv QTY: 6 Wafer Name: B0730410.csv QTY: 236 Barcode No: F0300235 Min Avg Max Std LOP1 120.01 123.14 137.48 002.58 VF1 001.09 002.27 002.40 000.25 WLD 462.51 464.64 464.99 000.43 IR 000.00 000.01 000.66 000.03 VF2 003.32 003.42 003.49 000.04 我遇到幾個問題如下:
中階會員 發表:72 回覆:92 積分:52 註冊:2003-11-06 發送簡訊給我 |
有一 Tregexpr 元件可以用喔 ===================引 用 doom834 文 章=================== 各位先進大家好,小弟是Delphi的新手,所以請問一些問題 我有2個檔案如附件,若我想要擷取下最紅字部分後顯示在DateGrid上。 FILE_1 Bin01-01 Total QTY:2 LotNumber: Date: 2007/12/27 09:04:02 M/C No: 002 Wafer Name: B0763710.csv QTY: 2 Barcode No: F0203373 Min Avg Max Std LOP1 060.12 060.75 061.38 000.63 VF2 003.48 003.48 003.48 000.00 WLD 454.41 454.52 454.63 000.11 FILE_2 Bin41-01 Total QTY:6998 LotNumber: 20070724-001 Date: 2007/07/30 15:44:30 M/C No: 03 Wafer Name: B0728311.csv QTY: 98 Wafer Name: B0728305.rpt QTY: 3291 Wafer Name: B0729711.csv QTY: 316 Wafer Name: B0729701.csv QTY: 1158 Wafer Name: B0726802.csv QTY: 1895 Wafer Name: B0730306.csv QTY: 6 Wafer Name: B0730410.csv QTY: 236 Barcode No: F0300235 Min Avg Max Std LOP1 120.01 123.14 137.48 002.58 VF1 001.09 002.27 002.40 000.25 WLD 462.51 464.64 464.99 000.43 IR 000.00 000.01 000.66 000.03 VF2 003.32 003.42 003.49 000.04 我遇到幾個問題如下:
xinjier禮品贈品 |
一般會員 發表:2 回覆:4 積分:1 註冊:2006-11-14 發送簡訊給我 |
===================引 用 hotswin 文 章=================== 用正則表達示來取 有一 Tregexpr 元件可以用喔 這位先進,我沒用過這個元件,是否能請你寫個範例讓我參考呢??? ===================引 用 doom834 文 章=================== 各位先進大家好,小弟是Delphi的新手,所以請問一些問題 我有2個檔案如附件,若我想要擷取下最紅字部分後顯示在DateGrid上。 FILE_1 Bin01-01 Total QTY:2 LotNumber: Date: 2007/12/27 09:04:02 M/C No: 002 Wafer Name: B0763710.csv QTY: 2 Barcode No: F0203373 Min Avg Max Std LOP1 060.12 060.75 061.38 000.63 VF2 003.48 003.48 003.48 000.00 WLD 454.41 454.52 454.63 000.11 FILE_2 Bin41-01 Total QTY:6998 LotNumber: 20070724-001 Date: 2007/07/30 15:44:30 M/C No: 03 Wafer Name: B0728311.csv QTY: 98 Wafer Name: B0728305.rpt QTY: 3291 Wafer Name: B0729711.csv QTY: 316 Wafer Name: B0729701.csv QTY: 1158 Wafer Name: B0726802.csv QTY: 1895 Wafer Name: B0730306.csv QTY: 6 Wafer Name: B0730410.csv QTY: 236 Barcode No: F0300235 Min Avg Max Std LOP1 120.01 123.14 137.48 002.58 VF1 001.09 002.27 002.40 000.25 WLD 462.51 464.64 464.99 000.43 IR 000.00 000.01 000.66 000.03 VF2 003.32 003.42 003.49 000.04 我遇到幾個問題如下:
尊榮會員 發表:70 回覆:657 積分:1140 註冊:2003-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
Min Avg Max Std
LOP1 120.01 123.14 137.48 002.58 VF1 001.09 002.27 002.40 000.25 WLD 462.51 464.64 464.99 000.43 IR 000.00 000.01 000.66 000.03 VF2 003.32 003.42 003.49 000.04 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; s : string; begin ListBox1.Items.LoadFromFile('1111.txt'); // 刪除 Col Title ListBox1.Items.Delete(0); // 刪除 Row Title for i := 0 to listbox1.count -1 do begin s := ListBox1.Items[i]; delete(s,1,pos(#32,s)); // 將 空白 轉 成 "," ListBox1.Items[i] := StringReplace(trim(s), #32, ',',[rfReplaceAll]); end; end;
努力會更接近成功 |
資深會員 發表:30 回覆:277 積分:321 註冊:2003-06-04 發送簡訊給我 |
尊榮會員 發表:70 回覆:657 積分:1140 註冊:2003-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
function GetRangeData(_Source,_Head,_Tail:string): string;
begin ParsingRef(_Source,_Head); // 去頭 _Source := ParsingRef(_Source,_Tail); // 截尾 result := trim(_Source); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin edit2.text:=GetRangeData('Bin01-01 Total QTY:2','Bin','-'); // 第一行 edit3.text:=GetRangeData('Bin01-01 Total QTY:2','QTY:',''); // 第二行 edit4.text:=GetRangeData('Date: 2007/12/27 09:04:02','Date:',''); // 第三行 : // 依此類推 : end;
pceyes 重新編輯於 2008-02-21 18:11:56, 註解 隔行‧
尊榮會員 發表:15 回覆:591 積分:1201 註冊:2005-09-30 發送簡訊給我 |
您的問題用兩種手法來處理可能比較好 第一段 (Min Avg Max Std 之前) 試者把整個檔案讀進來當成一個字串( ASTR)]; 然後用 i:=POS('Bin', astr), i:=pos('Total QTY:', astr), i:=pos('LotNumber: ' , astr), ..., i:=pos('Barcode No: ',astr), 等等, 就可找到所在位置, 然後用 copy(astr,i 12,1000) 存成 bstr, 再用 copy(bstr,1,pos(#13,bstr)-1) 取出值 這樣就不管出現的位置是否相同了, 第二段(Min Avg Max Std 之後 ) 已有大大提出解法, 請參考, 謝謝
IS IT WHAT IT IS 我是 李慕白 請倒著唸. 又想把老話拿出來說, 請用台語發音 : 專家專家全是ROBOT CAR (滷肉腳啦); 都已接手這麼久了, 績效還是那麼爛, 講話還那麼大聲. |
尊榮會員 發表:70 回覆:657 積分:1140 註冊:2003-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; ListBox2: TListBox; Button2: TButton; var Form1: TForm1; {$R *.dfm} // 抓區間用 function GetRangeData(_Source,_Head,_Tail:string): string; begin ParsingRef(_Source,_Head); // 去頭 _Source := ParsingRef(_Source,_Tail); // 截尾 result := trim(_Source); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile('file_1.txt'); end; end. Sample: http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/download.php?download=upload/47be7d30f1d8a_split.zip
pceyes 重新編輯於 2008-02-22 15:44:48, 註解 sample Attatch‧
一般會員 發表:2 回覆:4 積分:1 註冊:2006-11-14 發送簡訊給我 |
感謝pceyes的支援,我已完成程式,但是大大最新的程式碼,我會好好的參考, 以下是我的程式碼,寫的有點笨但是可以用,若有大大可以指導更精簡的程式,小弟會虛心學習,感謝!!! [code delphi] function StrSeg(Str ,SegSymbol: String ; SegIndex: integer): String; var r,c,s,sTmp: String; i: integer; begin r := ''; if ((Str = '') or (SegIndex < 1)) then begin result:=r; Exit; end; c := SegSymbol; if (c = '') then c := ','; i := 0; s := Str; sTmp := ''; while Pos(c,s) > 0 do begin i := i 1; sTmp := Copy(s, 1, Pos(c, s) - 1); if (SegIndex = i) then begin r:=sTmp; Break; end; s := Copy(s, Pos(c, s) Length(c), Length(s) - (Pos(c, s) Length(c)) 1); end; if SegIndex = (i 1) then begin r := s; end; result := r; end; procedure TForm1.SB1Click(Sender: TObject); var s,str,ST,ED :String; i,j,ST_1,ED_1 :Integer; WLD1_S,WLP1_S,LOP1_S,VF1_S,IR1_S :Integer; WLD2_S,WLP2_S,LOP2_S,VF2_S,IR2_S :Integer; begin SB3.Enabled:=False; SB4.Enabled:=False; ODL1.Filter:='sot files(Sorter轉出檔)|*.SOT'; //設定可開啟檔案類型 ASG1.Clear; ASG1.RowCount:=2; ASG1.ColCount:=46; WLD1_S :=6; WLP1_S :=10; LOP1_S :=14; VF1_S :=18; IR1_S :=22; WLD2_S :=26; WLP2_S :=30; LOP2_S :=34; VF2_S :=38; IR2_S :=42; ASG1.Cells[0,0]:='BARCODE_NO'; ASG1.Cells[1,0]:='LOT_NUMBER'; ASG1.Cells[2,0]:='BIN_NO'; ASG1.Cells[3,0]:='QTY'; ASG1.Cells[4,0]:='FILE_DATE'; ASG1.Cells[5,0]:='M/C_NO'; ASG1.Cells[WLD1_S,0]:='WLD1_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[WLD1_S 1,0]:='WLD1_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[WLD1_S 2,0]:='WLD1_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[WLD1_S 3,0]:='WLD1_STD'; ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S,0]:='WLP1_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S 1,0]:='WLP1_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S 2,0]:='WLP1_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S 3,0]:='WLP1_STD'; ASG1.Cells[LOP1_S,0]:='LOP1_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[LOP1_S 1,0]:='LOP1_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[LOP1_S 2,0]:='LOP1_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[LOP1_S 3,0]:='LOP1_STD'; ASG1.Cells[VF1_S,0]:='VF1_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[VF1_S 1,0]:='VF1_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[VF1_S 2,0]:='VF1_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[VF1_S 3,0]:='VF1_STD'; ASG1.Cells[IR1_S,0]:='IR1_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[IR1_S 1,0]:='IR1_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[IR1_S 2,0]:='IR1_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[IR1_S 3,0]:='IR1_STD'; ASG1.Cells[WLD2_S,0]:='WLD2_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[WLD2_S 1,0]:='WLD2_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[WLD2_S 2,0]:='WLD2_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[WLD2_S 3,0]:='WLD2_STD'; ASG1.Cells[WLP2_S,0]:='WLP2_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[WLP2_S 1,0]:='WLP2_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[WLP2_S 2,0]:='WLP2_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[WLP2_S 3,0]:='WLP2_STD'; ASG1.Cells[LOP2_S,0]:='LOP2_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[LOP2_S 1,0]:='LOP2_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[LOP2_S 2,0]:='LOP2_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[LOP2_S 3,0]:='LOP2_STD'; ASG1.Cells[VF2_S,0]:='VF2_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[VF2_S 1,0]:='VF2_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[VF2_S 2,0]:='VF2_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[VF2_S 3,0]:='VF2_STD'; ASG1.Cells[IR2_S,0]:='IR2_MIN'; ASG1.Cells[IR2_S 1,0]:='IR2_AVG'; ASG1.Cells[IR2_S 2,0]:='IR2_MAX'; ASG1.Cells[IR2_S 3,0]:='IR2_STD'; ASG1.AutoSize:=True; ASG1.FixedRows:=1; if ODL1.Execute then ED1.Text:= ODL1.FileName; //取得檔案名與完整路徑 ED1.Enabled:=False; ListBox1.Items.LoadFromFile(ED1.Text); for i := 0 to listbox1.count -1 do begin s := ListBox1.Items[i]; // 將 空白 轉 成 "," str :=copy(s,1,7); if str = 'Barcode' then begin for j := i 2 to listbox1.count -1 do begin s := ListBox1.Items[j]; ListBox1.Items[j] := StringReplace(trim(s), #32, ',',[rfReplaceAll]); ASG1.Cells[0,1]:=GetRangeData(ListBox1.Items[i],'Barcode No:',''); end; end; end; ASG1.Cells[1,1]:=GetRangeData(ListBox1.Items[1],'LotNumber:',''); ASG1.Cells[2,1]:=GetRangeData(ListBox1.Items[0],'Bin','-'); ASG1.Cells[3,1]:=GetRangeData(ListBox1.Items[0],'QTY:',''); ASG1.Cells[4,1]:=GetRangeData(ListBox1.Items[2],'Date:',''); ASG1.Cells[5,1]:=GetRangeData(ListBox1.Items[3],'M/C No:',''); //尋找電性值開始位置 for i := 0 to listbox1.count -1 do begin s := ListBox1.Items[i]; str := copy(s,1,3); if str = 'Min' then begin ST := inttostr(i 2); ST_1 := strtoint(ST); break; end; end; //尋找電性值結束位置 for i := ST_1 to listbox1.count -1 do begin s := ListBox1.Items[i]; str := copy(s,1,3); if str = '' then begin ED := inttostr(i); ED_1 := strtoint(ED); break; end; end; for i := ST_1 to ED_1 do begin str := StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',1); if (str = 'WLD1') or (str = 'WLD') then begin ASG1.Cells[WLD1_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[WLD1_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[WLD1_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[WLD1_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; if (str = 'WLP1') or (str = 'WLP') then begin ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; if (str = 'LOP1') or (str = 'LOP') then begin ASG1.Cells[LOP1_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[LOP1_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[LOP1_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[LOP1_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; if (str = 'VF1') or (str = 'VF') then begin ASG1.Cells[VF1_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[VF1_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[VF1_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[VF1_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; if (str = 'IR1') or (str = 'IR') then begin ASG1.Cells[IR1_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[IR1_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[IR1_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[IR1_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; if str = 'WLD2' then begin ASG1.Cells[WLD2_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[WLD2_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[WLD2_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[WLD2_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; if str = 'WLP1' then begin ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[WLP1_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; if str = 'LOP2' then begin ASG1.Cells[LOP2_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[LOP2_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[LOP2_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[LOP2_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; if str = 'VF2' then begin ASG1.Cells[VF2_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[VF2_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[VF2_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[VF2_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; if str = 'IR2' then begin ASG1.Cells[IR2_S,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',7); ASG1.Cells[IR2_S 1,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',9); ASG1.Cells[IR2_S 2,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',11); ASG1.Cells[IR2_S 3,1]:= StrSeg(ListBox1.Items[i-1],',',13); end; end; end; end. [/code] |
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