判斷數據集狀態的小問題。 |
一般會員 發表:16 回覆:31 積分:9 註冊:2003-03-22 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:94 回覆:1934 積分:2030 註冊:2003-03-12 發送簡訊給我 |
in [xxx,yyy,zzz] 就即是 xxx yyy zzz 中的其中之一均可 數據集狀態最當使用的主要有 dsEdit, dsInsert 及 dsBrowse。 由於數據集只有在 dsEdit 及 dsInsert 情怳下才可修改資料,所以很經常會用到 :
if not (DataSet.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert]) then
DataSet.Edit; 意思即是說如果數據集不在修改或插入狀態,就將狀態變為插入狀態。 全部狀態 Help 裡有丫,不過大都不會用到 dsInactive
Dataset is closed, so its data is unavailable.
數據集未開,沒有狀態 dsBrowse
Data can be viewed, but not changed. This is the default state of an open dataset.
最一般溜覽中的狀態 dsEdit
Active record can be modified.
修改中的狀態 dsInsert
The active record is a newly inserted buffer that has not been posted. This record can be modified and then either posted or discarded.
新增記錄中的狀態 dsSetKey
TTable and TClientDataSet only. Record searching is enabled, or a SetRange operation is under way. A restricted set of data can be viewed, and no data can be edited or inserted.
使用 SetKey / SetRange 搜尋中的狀態 dsCalcFields
An OnCalcFields event is in progress. Noncalculated fields cannot be edited, and new records cannot be inserted.
在計算連算欄位中,正式欄位不能更改亦不能新增記錄 dsFilter
An OnFilterRecord event is in progress. A restricted set of data can be viewed. No data can edited or inserted.
正在計算 Filter 結果中。 dsNewValue
Temporary state used internally when a field components NewValue property is accessed. dsOldValue
Temporary state used internally when a field components OldValue property is accessed. dsCurValue
Temporary state used internally when a field components CurValue property is accessed. dsBlockRead
Data-aware controls are not updated and events are not triggered when moving to the next record. dsInternalCalc
Temporary state used internally when values need to be calculated for a field that has a FieldKind of fkInternalCalc. dsOpening
DataSet is in the process of opening but has not finished. This state occurs when the dataset is opened for asynchronous fetching.
一般會員 發表:16 回覆:31 積分:9 註冊:2003-03-22 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:94 回覆:1934 積分:2030 註冊:2003-03-12 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 發表:16 回覆:31 積分:9 註冊:2003-03-22 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:94 回覆:1934 積分:2030 註冊:2003-03-12 發送簡訊給我 |
通當出現 undeclared identifier 'xxxx' 都是因為你沒 use 其中一個Delphi 的 Unit, 那甚樣找是那個 Unit 呢?最好在 Help 找。 如今次你可
1. 選定你的 Table 或 Query 元件
2. 按 F1
3. 按 Properties
4. 找出並 按 State (在 Derived from TDataSet)
5. 看看內容
property State: TDataSetState;
按 TDataSetState
6. 找到 TDataSetState 是屬於 Unit DB 的,便在你的 Form 加入 Use DB 便可。
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