請問如何在印QuickRep前偵測印表機的狀態? |
一般會員 發表:11 回覆:10 積分:4 註冊:2006-08-16 發送簡訊給我 |
尊榮會員 發表:120 回覆:1949 積分:2163 註冊:2006-10-28 發送簡訊給我 |
http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Languages/Pascal/Delphi/Q_20874844.html?qid=20874844 uses WinSpool, Printers <textarea class="delphi" rows="10" cols="60" name="code">function TfrmMain.PrinterStatus(MyPrinterName:string):integer; var PrinterName: string; szPrinterName: array[0 .. 127] of char; pPrinter: array[0 .. 19] of TPrinterInfo2;//PRINTER_INFO_2A; //20 is a guess pcReturned, pcbNeeded: DWORD; l: integer; pBuffer: pointer; begin l:= 0; //MyPrinterName:='hp laserjet iiid'; EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, // types of printer objects to enumerate nil, //PChar(MyPrinterName), // name of printer object 2, // specifies type of printer info structure nil, // pointer to buffer to receive printer info structures 0, // we use 0 so that Windows tells us how big a buffer it wants pcbNeeded, // pointer to variable with no. of bytes copied (or required) pcReturned // pointer to variable with no. of printer info. structures copied ); GetMem(pBuffer,pcbNeeded); //create a buffer of the required size fillchar(pBuffer^,pcbNeeded,0); EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, //now we read the printer list nil, 2, pBuffer, pcbNeeded, // this is the real size, in bytes, of buffer pcbNeeded, pcReturned ); //now we copy that part of the buffer that we are interested in to our array system.move(pBuffer^,pPrinter,pcReturned*sizeof(TPrinterInfo2)); // Find my printer for l:= 0 to pcReturned - 1 do begin if l > 3 then ShowMessage('Value l: ' IntToStr(l)); PrinterName:= string(pPrinter[l].pPrinterName); if UpperCase(PrinterName) = UpperCase(MyPrinterName) then begin Result:= pPrinter[l].Status; {either 0 or one of the following PRINTER_STATUS_BUSY PRINTER_STATUS_DOOR_OPEN PRINTER_STATUS_ERROR PRINTER_STATUS_INITIALIZING PRINTER_STATUS_IO_ACTIVE PRINTER_STATUS_MANUAL_FEED PRINTER_STATUS_NO_TONER PRINTER_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE PRINTER_STATUS_OFFLINE PRINTER_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY PRINTER_STATUS_OUTPUT_BIN_FULL PRINTER_STATUS_PAGE_PUNT PRINTER_STATUS_PAPER_JAM PRINTER_STATUS_PAPER_OUT PRINTER_STATUS_PAPER_PROBLEM PRINTER_STATUS_PAUSED PRINTER_STATUS_PENDING_DELETION PRINTER_STATUS_PRINTING PRINTER_STATUS_PROCESSING PRINTER_STATUS_TONER_LOW PRINTER_STATUS_USER_INTERVENTION PRINTER_STATUS_WAITING PRINTER_STATUS_WARMING_UP } break; end; end; FreeMem(pBuffer,pcbNeeded); end; </textarea><font face="Courier New"> Fishman
Fishman |
一般會員 發表:11 回覆:10 積分:4 註冊:2006-08-16 發送簡訊給我 |
非常感謝您的大力幫忙~ 不過資質愚笨的我還是想請您能否多些註解?(最好可以來中文的..)讓自己可以多些了解~ 另外想請問為何 if l > 3 then 要秀 ShowMessage('Value l: ' IntToStr(l)); ?? 您Mark {either 0 or one of the following PRINTER_STATUS_BUSY........} 這一段 是代表什麼意義呢?? 而Result:= pPrinter[l].Status; 其回傳值又是什麼意思呢?.... 真是要麻煩你了~感恩哪~ 如果問題太蠢..請見諒.. |
一般會員 發表:7 回覆:19 積分:10 註冊:2005-10-07 發送簡訊給我 |
請教一下, 目前小弟使用 BCB 6 開發..
下列 Delphi 偵測印表機狀態的 方式如何變更成於 BCB 6 上面可執行程序碼 ? 請高手們協助一下 !! 感謝 !! ===================引 用 Fishman 文 章=================== http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/board.php?cid=30&fid=73&tid=62643 http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Languages/Pascal/Delphi/Q_20874844.html?qid=20874844 uses WinSpool, Printers <textarea class="delphi" rows="10" cols="60" name="code">function TfrmMain.PrinterStatus(MyPrinterName:string):integer; var PrinterName: string; szPrinterName: array[0 .. 127] of char; pPrinter: array[0 .. 19] of TPrinterInfo2;//PRINTER_INFO_2A; //20 is a guess pcReturned, pcbNeeded: DWORD; l: integer; pBuffer: pointer; begin l:= 0; //MyPrinterName:='hp laserjet iiid'; EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, // types of printer objects to enumerate nil, //PChar(MyPrinterName), // name of printer object 2, // specifies type of printer info structure nil, // pointer to buffer to receive printer info structures 0, // we use 0 so that Windows tells us how big a buffer it wants pcbNeeded, // pointer to variable with no. of bytes copied (or required) pcReturned // pointer to variable with no. of printer info. structures copied ); GetMem(pBuffer,pcbNeeded); //create a buffer of the required size fillchar(pBuffer^,pcbNeeded,0); EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_NAME, //now we read the printer list nil, 2, pBuffer, pcbNeeded, // this is the real size, in bytes, of buffer pcbNeeded, pcReturned ); //now we copy that part of the buffer that we are interested in to our array system.move(pBuffer^,pPrinter,pcReturned*sizeof(TPrinterInfo2)); // Find my printer for l:= 0 to pcReturned - 1 do begin if l > 3 then ShowMessage('Value l: ' IntToStr(l)); PrinterName:= string(pPrinter[l].pPrinterName); if UpperCase(PrinterName) = UpperCase(MyPrinterName) then begin Result:= pPrinter[l].Status; {either 0 or one of the following PRINTER_STATUS_BUSY PRINTER_STATUS_DOOR_OPEN PRINTER_STATUS_ERROR PRINTER_STATUS_INITIALIZING PRINTER_STATUS_IO_ACTIVE PRINTER_STATUS_MANUAL_FEED PRINTER_STATUS_NO_TONER PRINTER_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE PRINTER_STATUS_OFFLINE PRINTER_STATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY PRINTER_STATUS_OUTPUT_BIN_FULL PRINTER_STATUS_PAGE_PUNT PRINTER_STATUS_PAPER_JAM PRINTER_STATUS_PAPER_OUT PRINTER_STATUS_PAPER_PROBLEM PRINTER_STATUS_PAUSED PRINTER_STATUS_PENDING_DELETION PRINTER_STATUS_PRINTING PRINTER_STATUS_PROCESSING PRINTER_STATUS_TONER_LOW PRINTER_STATUS_USER_INTERVENTION PRINTER_STATUS_WAITING PRINTER_STATUS_WARMING_UP } break; end; end; FreeMem(pBuffer,pcbNeeded); end; </textarea><font face="Courier New"> Fishman |
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