BCB二值化 |
一般會員 發表:3 回覆:2 積分:1 註冊:2006-12-18 發送簡訊給我 |
大大可以幫我看一下嗎? //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #pragma hdrstop #include "SDIMain.h" #include "About.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma resource "*.dfm" TSDIAppForm *SDIAppForm; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TSDIAppForm::TSDIAppForm(TComponent *AOwner) : TForm(AOwner) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::ShowHint(TObject *Sender) { StatusBar->SimpleText = Application->Hint; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::ExitItemClick(TObject *Sender) { Close(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // eVision ImgThreshold sample program // The document handles two images and a vector. // Code to load image goes here void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::OpenItemClick(TObject *Sender) { if (OpenDialog->Execute()) // User validated it { m_SrcImage.Load(OpenDialog->FileName.c_str()); m_bImageLoaded= (ESuccess()); if (m_bImageLoaded) { // Destination image must be of the same size as the origin image m_DstImage.SetSize(&m_SrcImage); Invalidate(); } } } // - eVision ImgThreshold sample program //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::SaveItemClick(TObject *Sender) { SaveDialog->Execute(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::About1Click(TObject *Sender) { AboutBox->ShowModal(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { Application->OnHint = ShowHint; // eVision ImgThreshold sample program // Perform eVision initialization to improve the execution time of the first eVision call Euresys::eVision::Initialize(); // Set the angle unit to degrees ESetAngleUnit(E_ANGLE_UNIT_DEGREES); m_bLButtonDown = FALSE; m_bRButtonDown = FALSE; // A red pen is used to draw the contour m_pRedPen = new TPen; m_pRedPen->Style = psSolid; m_pRedPen->Color = clRed; m_pRedPen->Width = 1; // - eVision ImgThreshold sample program } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // eVision ImgThreshold sample program // This code is called each time the form need to be redrawn void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::FormPaint(TObject *Sender) { if (!m_bImageLoaded) return; // nothing else to do otherwise // When the left mouse button is down, we display the thresholded image if (m_bLButtonDown) { // Draw the destination image m_DstImage.Draw(Canvas->Handle); } else { // Draw the origin image m_SrcImage.Draw(Canvas->Handle); } // When the right mouse button is down, we display the contour if (m_bRButtonDown) { // Use the red pen TPen *OldPen = Canvas->Pen; Canvas->Pen = m_pRedPen; m_Contour.Draw(Canvas->Handle); // Release the red pen Canvas->Pen = OldPen; } } // - eVision ImgThreshold sample program //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // eVision ImgThreshold sample program // This is the message handler of the mouse down event void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::FormMouseDown(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y) { if (Button == mbLeft) m_bLButtonDown = TRUE; else if (Button == mbRight) m_bRButtonDown = TRUE; // Same as a mouse move FormMouseMove(Sender, Shift, X, Y); } // - eVision ImgThreshold sample program //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // eVision ImgThreshold sample program // This is the message handler of the mouse up event void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::FormMouseUp(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y) { if (Button == mbLeft) m_bLButtonDown = FALSE; else if (Button == mbRight) m_bRButtonDown = FALSE; // Same as a mouse move FormMouseMove(Sender, Shift, X, Y); } // - eVision ImgThreshold sample program //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // eVision ImgThreshold sample program // This is the message handler of the mouse up event void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::FormMouseMove(TObject *Sender, TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y) { if (!m_bImageLoaded) return; // Nothing to do otherwise if(!(X < m_SrcImage.GetWidth()) || !(Y < m_SrcImage.GetHeight())) return; // Cursor out of image // Get the current pixel value INT32 n32Threshold= *(PUINT8)m_SrcImage.GetImagePtr(X, Y); if (m_bLButtonDown) { // Threshold the image ImgThreshold(&m_SrcImage, &m_DstImage, n32Threshold); if (EFailure()) { m_bLButtonDown = FALSE; m_bRButtonDown = FALSE; return; } // Force a redraw (without background) RedrawWindow(Handle, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); } else { // Redraw image m_SrcImage.Draw(Canvas->Handle); } if (m_bRButtonDown) { // Disable tracing ESetTraceMode(E_TRACE_SILENT); // Build the contour ImgContour(&m_SrcImage, IMG_CONTOUR_ANTICLOCKWISE_CONTINUE_IF_BORDER, X, Y, IMG_CONTOUR_BELOW_THRESHOLD,(UINT32)n32Threshold, IMG_CONTOUR_CONNEXITY_8, &m_Contour); //eEasyError // Enable tracing ESetTraceMode(E_TRACE_DISPLAY_MESSAGE); // Reset error messages EOk(); // Force a redraw (without background) RedrawWindow(Handle, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); } } // - eVision ImgThreshold sample program //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::FormDestroy(TObject *Sender) { // eVision ImgThreshold sample program // Free memory delete (m_pRedPen); // - eVision ImgThreshold sample program } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::RampItemClick(TObject *Sender) { // eVision ImgThreshold sample program // The Ramp button was added to the Menu resources // Then the CThresholdView::OnRamp function was created, using Class Wizard // Retrieve the image if (!m_bImageLoaded) return; // Draw a grey ramp in the image INT32 n32RampX= (m_SrcImage.GetWidth() - 256)/2, n32RampY= 40; for (INT32 n32X= 0; n32X < 256; n32X ) { for (INT32 n32Y= 0; n32Y < 10; n32Y ) { *(EBW8*)(m_SrcImage.GetImagePtr(n32X n32RampX, n32Y n32RampY))= (EBW8)n32X; } } // Force an image redraw (no background) RedrawWindow(Handle, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW); // - eVision ImgThreshold sample program } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::FormActivate(TObject *Sender) { MessageBox(NULL, "Load a graylevel image from the 'Images\\EasyImage' " "folder. \n" "Play with the mouse buttons and try the 'File/Ramp' menu.\n\n" "Required licenses: - None in case of a precompiled sample\n\t\t" "- EasyImage otherwise.", "ImgThreshold", MB_APPLMODAL | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TSDIAppForm::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action) { // Perform eVision termination Euresys::eVision::Terminate(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
站務副站長 發表:377 回覆:5490 積分:4563 註冊:2002-10-08 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 發表:20 回覆:48 積分:18 註冊:2006-08-02 發送簡訊給我 |
高階會員 發表:22 回覆:144 積分:103 註冊:2003-04-08 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 發表:3 回覆:2 積分:1 註冊:2006-12-18 發送簡訊給我 |
===================引 用 文 章=================== 這程式沒問題. 執行時出錯....你有License嗎?有需要可以聯絡 ? @@大大可以給我License嗎 因為這關係所以沒辦法執行= =" 可以寄到我信箱給我嗎?? mib050@yahoo.com.tw 謝大大^^ |
高階會員 發表:22 回覆:144 積分:103 註冊:2003-04-08 發送簡訊給我 |
license 是要買的.. 沒辦法給你
還有...evision 的license是鎖硬體的 ===================引 用 文 章=================== ===================引 用 文 章=================== 這程式沒問題. 執行時出錯....你有License嗎?有需要可以聯絡 ? @@大大可以給我License嗎 因為這關係所以沒辦法執行= =" 可以寄到我信箱給我嗎?? mib050@yahoo.com.tw 謝大大^^ |
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