BCB6中Indy9發送郵件 |
版主 發表:681 回覆:1056 積分:969 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
作者: ChinaBCB
有兩個控件:TIdMessage:IdMsgSend, TIdSMTP:SMTP /發送郵件 //註:發送的SMTP屬性通過SMTP_Setup函數設置了 //參數:in:cTo,收件人 // cCc 抄送 // cBcc 暗抄 // cSubject 主題 // cBody 內容 // cAttachList 發送的附件(以\n分割) // OUT: Msg 返回錯誤信息 //返回值 0: 成功發送 // -1:失敗,參見Msg信息 // -2: 沒有先設置SMTP發送屬性 int __fastcall TM::SendMail(const char * cTo, const char * cCc, const char * cBcc, const char* cSubject, const char * cBody, const char* cAttachList, char * cMsg) { int iRet=0; if(!SetupOk) return -2; IdMsgSend->Clear(); //清除,否則包含有上一條的信息 IdMsgSend->ContentType = ContentType; IdMsgSend->From->Text = LocalMail; if (ReturnReciept) {//{We set the recipient to the From E-Mail address } IdMsgSend->ReceiptRecipient->Text = IdMsgSend->From->Text; } else {// {indicate that there is no receipt recipiant} IdMsgSend->ReceiptRecipient->Text = ""; } IdMsgSend->Recipients->EMailAddresses = cTo; //{ To: header } IdMsgSend->Subject = cSubject; //{ Subject: header } IdMsgSend->CCList->EMailAddresses = cCc;// {CC} IdMsgSend->BccList->EMailAddresses = cBcc; //{BCC} IdMsgSend->Priority = TIdMessagePriority(Priority); // { Message Priority } IdMsgSend->Body->Text = String(cBody); if(strlen(cAttachList)) { TStringList * sl= new TStringList; sl->Text=String(cAttachList); for(int i=0;i網路志工聯盟----Visita網站http://www.vista.org.tw ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]--- 發表人 - axsoft 於 2003/02/25 20:14:03 |
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