好用的錄音程式 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:18 回覆:30 積分:14 註冊:2003-10-02 發送簡訊給我 |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include這個錄音程式很好用,但我用時原本要存成test.wav的檔案,會變成亂碼? 不知道為什麼?請大家試試吧!!!如有解決方式也分享一下吧...呵呵 有收穫記得回饋,讓我們台灣跨出程式的出頭天... |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:36 回覆:15 積分:10 註冊:2004-08-23 發送簡訊給我 |
高階會員 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 發表:95 回覆:322 積分:188 註冊:2003-04-12 發送簡訊給我 |
#define MCIWndSave(hwnd, szFile) (LONG)MCIWndSM(hwnd, MCI_SAVE, 0, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)(szFile))
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define MCIWndSM ::SendMessage /* SendMessage in C++*/
#define MCIWndSM SendMessage /* SendMessage in C */
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:36 回覆:15 積分:10 註冊:2004-08-23 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:36 回覆:15 積分:10 註冊:2004-08-23 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:51 回覆:20 積分:19 註冊:2003-06-12 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:7 回覆:3 積分:2 註冊:2004-05-20 發送簡訊給我 |
資深會員 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 發表:104 回覆:600 積分:335 註冊:2006-11-05 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:14 回覆:24 積分:7 註冊:2004-12-21 發送簡訊給我 |
小弟我在msdn找到了相關的內容.但是經過測試後,它好像是要先錄好之後,才能去讀它的信號大小,有沒有方法去即時量測現在的信號大小. ps:小弟剛好有轉mp3的資料.經過測試也可以了.隨便貼上. msdn:http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/multimed/htm/_win32_recording.asp
mcistateparms.dwItem =MCI_WAVE_STATUS_LEVEL; if(mciSendCommand(wdeviceID,MCI_STATUS, MCI_STATUS_ITEM ,(long)&mcistateparms)) { char buffer[100]; mciGetErrorString(dwReturn, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ShowMessage(buffer); } if (double(mcistateparms.dwReturn) <100) { ShowMessage("to adjust the value"); }about mp3 file:轉貼. 本站主要面向Borland C++Builder, 网站名称: C++Builder 研究, C++Builder Study, 关键词: BCB, 致力于C++Builder的学习探讨和研究 编辑日期:2004-3-15 阅读次数:5939 文档标题:将Wav格式压缩成Mp3 作者: 佚名 关 键 字:Wav,mp3,compress,convert,压缩,格式转换 本文转自 C++Builder 研究 - http://www.ccrun.com/article/go.asp?i=599&d=0xie80 Compressing Wav file to MP3 ● 1. Introduction First, I don't meant to give you informations about how to understand the mp3 algorithm. My goal is to explain how to use an already existing encoder with BCB. ● 2. Choosing the mp3 encoder There are tons of mp3 encoders. Some of them are free others are not. Some are fast but produce an awful result. Others are slow but with excellent result and give a high audio quality. The ideal would be a free, reasonably fast encoder giving a high audio quality, all at the same time. Enjoy! This pearl exists. But we have to look at it in the GNU world. There is a GNU project, called LAME, for Lame Ain't a Mp3 Encoder, under the GPL license. The official web site of the LAME project is http://www.mp3dev.org/mp3/ Moreover, as it is a GNU project, we have access to the source and there is a version compiled for Win32 in a DLL. Among all the other encoders, I want to quote two of them. The first, FRAUNHOFER, because it is a fast and excellent encoder : http://www.iis.fhg.de/ but it's not free though. The second because it's a very fast encoder but the audio result is awful. So don't use it except if you are looking for a fast encoder. It's the encoder from Xing Tech : http://www.xingtech.com/ Note : The Lame encoder has a limitation. The sample rate must be 32000, 44100 or 48000.? ● 3. Some informations about the WAV format A wav file is just a collection of chunks. There is a format chunk wich contains all the informations about the samples. For instance, the bitrate, the number of channels, if it's stereo or mono... There is also a chunk containing the data. In other words, this chunk contains all the samples. In front of the file, there are 12 characters indicating that the file is a wav file. The two chunks given above must be present in the file. There could be other chunk but we just ignore them. They are not needed for our purpose. If you want to know more about wav file, take a look at http://www.wotsit.org/ for a complete description. The format chunk : struct FormatChunk { char chunkID[4]; long chunkSize; short wFormatTag; unsigned short wChannels; unsigned long dwSamplesPerSec; unsigned long dwAvgBytesPerSec; unsigned short wBlockAlign; unsigned short wBitsPerSample; // Note: there may be additional fields here, depending upon wFormatTag. }; Above, you can see the struct representing the format chunk. The chunkID is always "fmt " with an ending space (4 characters). It's the identification of the chunk. All other chunk have such an ID. The chunkSize parameter contains the number of bytes of the chunk, the ID and chunkSize excluded. The format chunk must be the first chunk in the file. The data chunk : struct Chunk { char chunkID[4]; long chunkSize; }; In the case of the data chunk, the chunkID contains "data". The chunkSize parameters contains the size of the raw data (samples). The data begins just after chunkSize. In the case of the data chunk, the chunkID contains "data". The chunkSize parameters contains the size of the raw data (samples). The data begins just after chunkSize. Dans le cas du bloc de données, chunkID contient "data". Le paramètre chunkSize contient la taille du bloc de données proprement dites. Celles-ci commencent juste après chunkSize. So, when we read a wav file, all we have to do is : - read the first 12 characters to check if it's a real wav file. - read the format chunk in a struct similar to the formatChunk struct. - skip the extra parameters in the format chunk, if any. - find the data chunk, read the raw data and carry out with the encoding. -skip all other chunks. Donc, ce que nous devons faire est : - lire les 12 premiers caractères pour déterminer si on est bien en présence d'un fichier wav. - lire le bloc de format dans une structure similaire à la structure formatChunk. - ignorer les caractères supplémentaires dans le bloc de format, s'il y en a. - ignorer tous les blocs qui ne sont pas le bloc de données. - trouver le bloc de données, lire ces données et lancer l'encodage. ● 4. Importing the DLL The DLL used for the encoding is called lame_enc.dll. Unfortunately, this DLL was build with VC 6 from Microsoft. If we just create a lib file from the DLL and try to import the library in BCB, we'll get an 'Unresolved external error' at link time for each function we'll try to use. Due to the declaration type, BCB is expecting a function name with a leading underscore and the function names doesn't have such a leading underscore. To resolve this issue, we must, first, create a def file from our DLL. Open a console windows and type : IMPDEF lame_enc.def lame_enc.dll Open the lame_enc.def file with an editor (Notepad for instance) and modify it like this. This will create aliases for the functions : LIBRARY LAME_ENC.DLL EXPORTS _beCloseStream = beCloseStream _beDeinitStream = beDeinitStream _beEncodeChunk = beEncodeChunk _beInitStream = beInitStream _beVersion = beVersion _beWriteVBRHeader = beWriteVBRHeader beCloseStream @4 beDeinitStream @3 beEncodeChunk @2 beInitStream @1 beVersion @5 beWriteVBRHeader @6 Now, we can create the lib file from our def file. We'll import that lib file in our project. To create the lib file, type : implib lame_enc.lib lame_enc.def ● 5. The code First, you have to import the libary in your project. Next, include the header file of the DLL into your unit. In the DLL header file, you have to add extern "C" in front of all exported function. Here is the header with the moifications (lame_enc.h) : /* bladedll.h +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Blade's Encoder DLL + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------ - Version 1.00 (7 November 1998) - Jukka Poikolainen - ------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifndef ___BLADEDLL_H_INCLUDED___ #define ___BLADEDLL_H_INCLUDED___ #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) /* encoding formats */ #define BE_CONFIG_MP3 0 #define BE_CONFIG_LAME 256 /* type definitions */ typedef unsigned long HBE_STREAM; typedef HBE_STREAM *PHBE_STREAM; typedef unsigned long BE_ERR; /* error codes */ #define BE_ERR_SUCCESSFUL 0x00000000 #define BE_ERR_INVALID_FORMAT 0x00000001 #define BE_ERR_INVALID_FORMAT_PARAMETERS 0x00000002 #define BE_ERR_NO_MORE_HANDLES 0x00000003 #define BE_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE 0x00000004 #define BE_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 0x00000005 /* other constants */ #define BE_MAX_HOMEPAGE 256 /* format specific variables */ #define BE_MP3_MODE_STEREO 0 #define BE_MP3_MODE_JSTEREO 1 #define BE_MP3_MODE_DUALCHANNEL 2 #define BE_MP3_MODE_MONO 3 #define MPEG1 1 #define MPEG2 0 #ifdef _BLADEDLL #undef FLOAT #include
Try it! |
高階會員 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 發表:95 回覆:322 積分:188 註冊:2003-04-12 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 請問一下,如果要把錄下來的改成mp3是要怎麼改? 是要改成wFormatTag=WAVE_FORMAT_MPEG嗎?我試過有錯誤訊息,而且我其他的參數不知道該怎麼設定。查了MSDN不知道是我不會查還是怎樣,找到相關的但是也沒寫出該怎麼用成MP3的格式,麻煩知道的大大告訴我。謝謝囉OGOLive MP3 Encoder 7/11/2003 http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=46825&lngWId=1 1/7/2004 http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=50842&lngWId=1 作者說可以即時將音源轉換成mp3檔案,但是我手邊沒有麥克風 我將原始碼編譯成執行檔附上gogo.dll請網友測試一下 http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/loadfile.php?TOPICID=23930428&CC=535192 |
一般會員 ![]() ![]() 發表:14 回覆:24 積分:7 註冊:2004-12-21 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: 有棒的程式喔~~ 雖然會用...但不知道每個程式碼代表的意義 可以請你說明一下或是哪裡有這方面的教學說明 謝謝~~^0^還有一個方式可以實現出錄音功能... 但是還未成功...請大大能夠指教一下.... 要如何得到device identifier 因為我想以capGetAudioFormat函數得到.但是錄起來的內容好像是錯的 data: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/multimed/htm/_win32_waveinopen.asp code struct tinlevelstreamdata { WAVEHDR pwavehdr[3]; WAVEFORMATEX waveformat; HWAVEIN hwi; int buffersize; }; int check; WAVEINCAPS nil; tinlevelstreamdata fininfo; static int SNDSIZEBUF =320; static int SNDNBUF =4; char hdrData[SNDSIZEBUF*SNDNBUF]; void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { if(waveInGetNumDevs()==0) { ShowMessage("無聲音輸入裝置!"); exit(0); } //format fininfo.waveformat.wFormatTag =WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; fininfo.waveformat.nChannels =1; fininfo.waveformat.nSamplesPerSec =44100; fininfo.waveformat.cbSize =0; fininfo.waveformat.wBitsPerSample=8; fininfo.waveformat.nBlockAlign =(fininfo.waveformat.wBitsPerSample*fininfo.waveformat.nChannels )/8; fininfo.waveformat.nAvgBytesPerSec =fininfo.waveformat.nSamplesPerSec *fininfo.waveformat.nBlockAlign ; //test open type check=waveInOpen(NULL,WAVE_MAPPER,&fininfo.waveformat,0,0,WAVE_FORMAT_QUERY); if(check!=MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { char error[100]; waveInGetErrorText(check,error,100); ShowMessage(error); } capSetAudioFormat(this,&fininfo.waveformat,sizeof (WAVEFORMATEX)); //capGetAudioFormat(this,&fininfo.waveformat,sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); //to open input device type fininfo.buffersize =fininfo.waveformat.nAvgBytesPerSec /20; fininfo.hwi =0; check=waveInOpen(&fininfo.hwi,WAVE_MAPPER,&fininfo.waveformat, 0,0,CALLBACK_EVENT); /////////為了得到其輸入裝置 capGetAudioFormat(this,&fininfo.waveformat,sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)); //TWAVEINCAPS in; if(check!=MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { char error[100]; waveInGetErrorText(check,error,100); ShowMessage(error); } //memset(fininfo.pwavehdr,0,sizeof(WAVEHDR)*SNDNBUF); for(int i=0;i謝謝分享 Try it!
Try it! |
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