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FreeVCS (V2.2.1 D4 D5)



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2001-04-06 00:00:00 IP:0.0.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
名稱:FreeVCS 版本:V2.2.1 原始程式:無 適用:(D4)(D5) 版權種類:免費軟體(Freeware) 作者:Thomas Hensle 出處網址:http://www.freevcs.de 優良檔案:站長推薦 說明: FreeVCS is a C/S source version control and project management system for applications, packages, DLL's, help files, web sites... and everything else what you understand as a development project. Two-/Three-tiered C/S architecture, scaleable open source application server (DBISAM - the zero installation DBMS, FlashFiler, Interbase, Oracle, MSSQL, Informix), TCP/IP Server-Client connection (local, LAN, WAN, Internet), Group and project related access management, all common version control functions (Add/ Remove, View, Check In/Out / Undo Check Out, Get, Visual (& Binary) Compare, Branch, Share, Merge, Synchronize, File based History, Project based History, Labeling modules and projects, Keyword expansion...) and some additional features (Create working folders based on archive projects, VERSIONINFO Resource handling, Backup, Purge (& keep a max. number of revisions), Touch, Used Units, Used Components, Externals (LoadLibrary...), Project Cross-references, Project Milestones, Development Time Log, ToDo list, Recent project list, Notify via network, Rename projects, Development state backup in a single Zip file... ).
Stand-alone (IDE independent) version, Interbase5-6/Oracle/MSSQL servers, NT services and server source available via homepage.
~~~Delphi K.Top討論區站長~~~
系統時間:2024-05-17 10:05:53
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