Delphi 2005 Update 2 is Released. |
版主 發表:43 回覆:223 積分:208 註冊:2002-08-16 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 發表:15 回覆:42 積分:16 註冊:2002-03-11 發送簡訊給我 |
引言:,1410,33005,00.htmlIt's really a good news but.... I installed Update 2 yesterday, and found three things disappointed me: 1. The bug I've reported to Quality Central is still there (though it is promoted to Borland's internal database). 2. The bugs for Chinese Windows encironment are still there. If You code with Delphi 2005 all the time, you'll know what it is. 3. The IDE is still unstable and slow. My experience including: Once suddenly crash (D2005 closed without any warning, my code is not saved ). |
一般會員 發表:0 回覆:8 積分:6 註冊:2005-01-18 發送簡訊給我 |
一般會員 發表:0 回覆:1 積分:0 註冊:2005-02-23 發送簡訊給我 |
打上Update2之後,運行(BDS)\Demos\Delphi.Net\VCL\Custom Drawing這個Demo,選擇主菜單->Custom Drawing->Background->Brush Style中的任何一個非Solid菜單,然後再選會Solid菜單,則會出現異常。 調試發現是因爲VCL.Net下Tag已經是Variants值,而TBrushStyle(Tag)在Tag=0時轉換失敗,一定要用類似TBrushStyle(Convert.ToInt32(Tag))才不出錯。
在Delphi7下的variant類型可以輕易的轉換為很多類型,而到VCL.Net下則variant要單薄的多。 類似的新建一個VCL.Net應用程序,在Form.OnCreate中執行BorderStyle := TBorderStyle(unassigned)也會報這種錯誤。 如果這種轉換都出錯,那麽代碼升級到VCL.net豈不是很多隱患?
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