Using the registry to keep some data. |
版主 發表:681 回覆:1056 積分:969 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
Using the registry to keep some data. My speed dialer needs to remember what names and numbers I've assigned to it. File operations are cumbersome in this setting, and a string-grid or database is too bulky. The registry is just the right place to keep track of those numbers. The dialer uses a dialog form to enter the information. Here, Button1 is the OK button for the dialog. I have to check to see if the user meant cancel or forgot to enter any information. Then its off to write to the registry and the main form's speed-dialer button.//------snip------ void __fastcall TForm2::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { if (Edit1->Text == "") { int button; button = MessageBox(0, "You pressed OK but entered no name.\n" "This will clear the current button assignment.\n" " If that's what you wanted press OK, \n if not press Cancel.", "Warning", MB_OKCANCEL); if (button == IDCANCEL) { StartOver();//function to set focus to Edit1 return; } } int iWhichOne; /* these are declared in the header String bName1, bName2 on thru 20 String bNumber1, bNumber2 on thru 20 */ iWhichOne = StrToInt(Edit3->Text);//which button to write on Registry = new TRegistry; Registry->RootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Registry->OpenKey("Software\\HobbyPages\\Dialer2", true); //Set captions and write to registry switch (iWhichOne) { case 1: try { Form1->Button1->Caption = Edit1->Text; bName1 = Edit1->Text; bNumber1 = Edit2->Text; Registry->WriteString("Name1", bName1); Registry->WriteString("Number1", bNumber1); } catch(...) {} break; case 2: try { Form1->Button2->Caption = Edit1->Text; bName2 = Edit1->Text; bNumber2 = Edit2->Text; Registry->WriteString("Name2", bName2); Registry->WriteString("Number2", bNumber2); } catch(...) {} break; // there are 20 statements like this ->20 buttons default : MessageBox(0, "You must assign a dialer button (1-20)", "Message", MB_OK); return; } delete Registry; //always delete after a new Close(); } //-----snip-----The dialer's mainform OnShow event loads the button captions from the registry. If there is no assignment, it leaves the button face blank. void __fastcall TForm1::FormShow(TObject *Sender) { Registry = new TRegistry; Registry->RootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Registry->OpenKey("Software\\HobbyPages\\Dialer2", true); try { //--write String Objects from Regisrty----- bName1 = Registry->ReadString("Name1"); bNumber1 = Registry->ReadString("Number1"); Button1->Caption = bName1; bName2 = Registry->ReadString("Name2"); bNumber2 = Registry->ReadString("Number2"); Button2->Caption = bName2; //--on thru 20 buttons-- } catch (...) {} delete Registry; }bNumber1 holds the phone number so that when Button1 is pressed, it's sent to the dialing code segment, and into the modem string. They say not to use INI files, so into the registry we go... 網路志工聯盟----Visita網站 ---[ 發問前請先找找舊文章 ]--- |
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