Timage 如何做到放大、縮小、旋轉? |
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年代久遠, 應該是做廢了
Von: Stefan Cruysberghs
Betreff: Re: Image Rotate
Datum: Samstag, 5. Dezember 1998 19:01
Tony Nixon heeft geschreven in bericht
>Hi all,
>Could someone help me with a method of rotating a TBitmap image 180
>Tony The following function I wrote rotates a bitmap 90° to the left.
function SCRotateLeftBitmap(Bitmap : TBitmap) : TBitmap; var x,y : Integer; Hoogte, Breedte : Integer; begin Breedte:=Bitmap.Width; Hoogte:=Bitmap.Height; Result := TBitmap.Create; try with Result do begin Width:=Hoogte; Height:=Breedte; for x:=0 to Breedte-1 do for y:=0 to Hoogte-1 do Canvas.Pixels[Hoogte-y-1,x]:=Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x,y]; end; except Result.Free; raise; end; end; [/code The next function rotates a bitmap with every angle, but I never tested it. [code] function RotateImage(Src : TBitmap; Anglo : Real) : TBitmap; var i, j, W, H : Integer; X1, X2, Y1, Y2 : Integer; C : TColor; Rx, Ry : Integer; Side3, FX, FY : Extended; SDC, DDC : Integer; begin W := Src.Width; H := Src.Height; TmpMem.Height := Round(H * 2.5); TmpMem.Width := Round(W * 2.5); SDC := Src.Canvas.Handle; DDC := TmpMem.Canvas.Handle; for i := 0 to W - 1 do for j := 0 to H - 1 do begin C := GetPixel(SDC, i, j); Side3 := Sqrt(Sqr(i) Sqr(j)); SinCos((ArcSin(I / Side3) Anglo), FX, FY); Rx := Round(FX * Side3) W; Ry := Round(FY * Side3) H; if j = 1 then begin X1 := Rx; Y1 := Ry; X2 := Rx; Y2 := Ry; end else begin if Rx < X1 then X1 := Rx; if Ry < Y1 then Y1 := Ry; if Rx > X2 then X2 := Rx; if Ry > Y2 then Y2 := Ry; end; SetPixel(DDC, Rx , Ry, C); end; Result := TmpMem; end;Greetings Stefan Cruysberghs stefancr@mail.dma.be www.bewoner.dma.be/stefancr -- Everything I say is a lie. |
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