載入dll退出程式時發生錯誤? |
一般會員 發表:7 回覆:22 積分:5 註冊:2003-10-10 發送簡訊給我 |
ps:我是執行方法一or方法二再去run play stop 退出時出錯
(1)主程式 unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, StrUtils; type TPlayer = class private public procedure Paly(Display: TEdit; hAPP: Tapplication); virtual; abstract; procedure Stop(); virtual; abstract; function PlayerNmae: string; virtual; abstract; function GetInstance: TObject; virtual; abstract; end; TForm1 = class(TForm) editDisplay: TEdit; btnPlay: TButton; btnStop: TButton; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure btnPlayClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnStopClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public myPlayer: TPlayer; { Public declarations } end; TGetPluginInstance = function():TPlayer; Stdcall; function GetPluginInstance:TPlayer;stdcall;external 'plugin.dll'; var Form1: TForm1; hDLL: THandle; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.btnPlayClick(Sender: TObject); begin myPlayer.Paly(Form1.editDisplay,Application); end; procedure TForm1.btnStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin myPlayer.Stop; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin Freeandnil(myPlayer); FreeLibrary(hDLL); end; //第一種載入方法 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var hDLL: THandle; pGetPluginInstance: TGetPluginInstance; begin hDLL := LoadLibrary(PChar('plugin.dll')); if hDLL > 0 then begin @pGetPluginInstance := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'GetPluginInstance'); myPlayer := pGetPluginInstance; end else begin showmessage('loadfail'); end; end; //第二種載入方法 procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin myPlayer:=GetPluginInstance; end; end.發表人 - jeffxx 於 2005/08/05 21:04:19 |
一般會員 發表:7 回覆:22 積分:5 註冊:2003-10-10 發送簡訊給我 |
(2)dll內容 //======================= library Project1; uses SysUtils, Classes, Unit2 in 'Unit2.pas'; {$R *.res} exports GetPluginInstance index 1; begin end. //======================== unit Unit2; interface uses StdCtrls,Classes,windows,Messages,ShareMem,Forms; type TPlayer=class private public procedure Paly(Display:TEdit;hAPP:Tapplication);virtual; abstract; procedure Stop();virtual; abstract; function PlayerNmae:String;virtual;abstract; function GetInstance:TObject;virtual; abstract; end; TFilePlayer=class(TPlayer) private procFlag:Boolean; public procedure Paly(Display:TEdit;hAPP:Tapplication);override; procedure Stop();override; function PlayerNmae:String; function GetInstance:TObject; end; function GetPluginInstance: TFilePlayer;stdcall;export; implementation function GetPluginInstance: TFilePlayer;stdcall; begin Result:=TFilePlayer.Create; end; function TFilePlayer.GetInstance: TObject; begin Result:=self.Create; end; procedure TFilePlayer.Paly(Display:TEdit;hAPP:Tapplication); var i:integer; begin inherited; ProcFalg:=True; while(ProcFlag) begin for i:=1 to 10 do begin hAPP.ProcessMessages; Display.Text:=IntToStr(i); Display.Repaint; sleep(100); end; end; end; function TFilePlayer.PlayerNmae: String; begin end; procedure TFilePlayer.Stop; begin inherited; procFlag:=False; end; end. |
一般會員 發表:7 回覆:22 積分:5 註冊:2003-10-10 發送簡訊給我 |
看到了Use ShareMem
我也不知道這是幹麼的反正有就抄~ 我實在想不出來程式那裡的記憶體處理那裡有可能有問題
真是奇怪~ 想請教各位大大ShareMem的使用的時機是什麼時候?
有類似單元也會造成這樣嗎? 發表人 - jeffxx 於 2005/08/07 14:58:59
尊榮會員 發表:70 回覆:657 積分:1140 註冊:2003-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
尊榮會員 發表:20 回覆:694 積分:577 註冊:2004-04-19 發送簡訊給我 |
http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?TOPIC_ID=55744 你想知道 Why and When to use ShareMem.pas 參考下列兩篇
一般會員 發表:7 回覆:22 積分:5 註冊:2003-10-10 發送簡訊給我 |
感謝malanlk提供的 http://delphi.about.com/od/objectpascalide/l/aa103003a.htm http://delphi.about.com/od/objectpascalide/l/aa103003b.htm 這兩編文章我覺得非常值得一讀 我把ShareMem放在最最前面果然可以正常結束了 之前的異常應該是我沒把ShareMem放在最最前面 簡述我看的內容: 在產生dll時delphi就會提醒你要特別處理string在library之後的註解 { Important note about DLL memory management: ShareMem must be the first unit in your library's USES clause AND your project's (select Project-View Source) USES clause if your DLL exports any procedures or functions that pass strings as parameters or function results. This applies to all strings passed to and from your DLL--even those that are nested in records and classes. ShareMem is the interface unit to the BORLNDMM.DLL shared memory manager, which must be deployed along with your DLL. To avoid using BORLNDMM.DLL, pass string information using PChar or ShortString parameters. } 要麻就是加上ShareMem不然就是把string改成PChar or ShortString 以下是我的疑問,因為我英文不是很好不太清楚他實際的意思 (1)文中提到delphi跟java和c#一樣object都是存在heap中那string是存在那裡的呢? (2)string為什麼會造成問題? (a)定義s1:string; => s1指向nil (b)初始s1:='123' => 向記憶體要一個位置放入'123',然後把s1指到那 (c)更動s1:=s1 '456' => 向記憶體要一個新的位置放入'123456',s1重新指向新的位置 以上的觀念對嗎?如果對的話傳string不就是傳一個ref而且還在同一個行程中為什麼會錯 還是在傳的過程式他忘記自已的大小了? (3)第二頁中他討論拿TStringList傳,如果把string包在類別裡面傳ok嗎? Passing objects doesn't help either這句好像是說不行的樣子 (4)拿物件來傳ok嗎?我們持有的不都是物件的ref把他從dll交到主程式上會有問題嗎 還是他指的是不同程式語言才會有問題? |
尊榮會員 發表:20 回覆:694 積分:577 註冊:2004-04-19 發送簡訊給我 |
1. The task of the suballocator is to allocate all dynamic memory: from raw memory explicitly allocated by the programmer to that implicitly allocated by the compiler, as when creating strings, dynamic arrays and objects.... 2. Delphi 中 的String 不是 Null terminated(\0 結尾)
"Long String" Help 中有說明
....The eight bytes before the location contain a 32-bit length indicator and a 32-bit reference count. This memory is allocated on the heap... 表示說傳 ref 過去沒錯, 但是只有 Delphi 寫的 DLL 才看的董這樣的格式, C 就看不懂了.... 3,4. 不行 照Page2 的說法問題是卡在 heap manager 要回收 free memory 時出問題, 不是 怎樣傳遞的問題 參考這兩篇
http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?topic_id=36703 發表人 - malanlk 於 2005/08/08 17:53:22
一般會員 發表:7 回覆:22 積分:5 註冊:2003-10-10 發送簡訊給我 |
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