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请教怎样用 ODAC 联接 ORACLE 8.0.5 的问题



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-02-14 17:40:03 IP:61.143.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
ORACLE 数据库的 ip 是 ORACLE 上有两个实例: ORC1,ORC2 我在装有 ORACLE 客户端的机上通过Oracle Net8 Easy Config 建个字串 TO_ORC2 就可以通过 字串 username/password@To_orc2 去访问 ORC2,但在客户机上没装 ORACLE 的客户端,怎样通过 ODAC 联接 ORC2 呢?


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-02-14 18:02:11 IP:61.64.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
http://crlab.com/odac/history.html    08-Oct-03 New features in ODAC 4.50    - XMLTYPE datatype support added 
- WideString support added to work with Unicode character data 
- Transparent Application Failover support added     TOraXML 
property AsXML: TOraXML;     TBlob 
property IsUnicode: boolean;     TOraSessionOptions 
property UseUnicode: boolean;     TFailoverState 
property OnFailover;     TLobType 
procedure CreateTemporary(LobType: TLobType);     TOraTable 
procedure EmptyTable;     05-Jun-03 New features in ODAC 4.15    - Support for Oracle internal NUMBER datatype added. Allows to work with high precision numbers without accuracy losses. 
- new class TOraNumber 
- new class TOraNumberField 
- new class TDAParam     30-Jan-03 New features in ODAC 4.10    - Support for Oracle 9i NOT FINAL objects added 
- TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL support for Oracle objects added 
- TOraSmartQuery.OptionsDS.QuoteNames     25-Dec-02 New features in ODAC 4.05    - Transaction control schema changed. Now TOraSession.InTransaction shows actual user transaction state on server (implicit commit and rollback are considered). 
- DBMonitor client implementation moved to COM server. Now ODAC is incompatible with DBMonitor 2.02 or lower. 
- LOB attributes support for object fields added 
- Temporary LOBs support added 
- Constants ftTimeStampTZ and ftTimeStampLTZ added. Used in TOraTimeStampField. 
- UROWID support for index organized tables added 
- Option ConvertEOL added 
- TOraDataSet.BeforeFetch 
- TOraDataSet.AfterFetch 
- TOraTimeStampField.Format 
- TOraIntervalField.LeadPrecision 
- TOraIntervalField.FracPrecision 
- TOraRef.AsHex 
- TCustomDADataset.FetchingAll 
- TOraSessionOption.ConvertEOL     30-Sep-02 New features in ODAC 4.00    - Delphi 7 support 
- Kylix 3 for C   support 
- Oracle 9 scrollable cursors support 
- New memory management model for ftString and ftVarBytes types. Allows significantly decrease memory usage on large tables fetch. Controlled by FlatBuffers dataset option. 
- RAW datatype support (as ftVarBytes) 
- Support for complex fields (blobs, objects etc.) in CachedUpdates mode 
- New 'Prepare' schema     30-Aug-02 New features in ODAC 3.90    - Kylix 3 support     09-Aug-02 New features in ODAC 3.85    - DBMonitor support 
- New version of OraTools support     18-Jul-02 New features in ODAC 3.80    - Oracle9 timestamp and interval datatypes support 
- Performance optimization for queries with many fields, especially for TSmartQuery and TOraTable 
- Runtime packages division for Delphi6, C  Builder6, Kylix, Kylix2, see manual 
- TOraSession.InLocalTransaction 
- TOraSession.InternalName 
- TOraAlerter.PurgePipe 
- Auto generation RETURNING clause for LOBs added to design-time component editor     21-Mar-02 New features in ODAC 3.60    - supports C   Builder 6     14-Dec-01 New features in ODAC 3.50    - supports Kylix 2 
- multibytes charsets support 
- direct lob access support 
- using OraTools Add-in     TOraSession 
property Options.CharLength: TCharLength; 
property OptionsDS.CacheLobs: Boolean; 
property Cached: Boolean;     12-Oct-01 New features in ODAC 3.30    - supports Oracle 9i 
- Net edition for Kylix     TOraSession 
property ConnectMode: TConnectMode; 
property Options.DateFormat: String; 
property Options.DateLanguage: String; 
property OptionsDS.FieldsAsString: Boolean; 
property OptionsDS.DeferredLobRead: Boolean; 
property SequenceMode: TSequenceMode;     08-Aug-01 New features in ODAC 3.20    - supports Delphi 6 
- new version of OraDesigner 
- OraExplorer 
- printed documentation 
- BDE Migration Wizard     20-Feb-01 New features in ODAC 3.00    - using standard TParam object 
- separate run- and design-time packages 
- get original name of fields 
- retrieve field's default value 
- support Net option 
- Kylix ready     TOraSession 
property Options.Charset: String; 
property Options.Net: Boolean; 
property OptionsDS.FieldsOrigin: Boolean; 
property OptionsDS.DefaultValues: Boolean; 
property MasterFields: String; 
property DetailFields: String; 
AttrAsLob[Name: string]: TOraLob; 
TOraParams     11-Jul-00 New features in ODAC 2.50    - support multiple Oracle Homes 
- support Borland's SQL Monitor 
- TOraSQLMonitor component 
- default session 
- customizable connect dialog     TOraSession 
property Home: TOracleHome; 
property LDA: PLDA; 
property OnError: TOraErrorEvent; 
procedure AssignConnect(Source: TOraSession);     TMemDataSet 
procedure DeferredPost; 
procedure RestoreUpdates; 
procedure RevertRecord;     TOraDataset 
function GetFieldPrecision(const FieldName: String): Integer; 
function GetFieldScale(const FieldName: String): Integer;     TOraTable 
property MasterSource: TDataSource;     TConnectDialog 
property DialogClass: String; 
property ReadAliases: Boolean; 
procedure GetServerList(List:TStrings);     30-Mar-00 New features in ODAC 2.20    - support C   Builder 5 
- macros in update SQL     TOraSession 
property Options;     TOraDataSet 
property Options; 
function Fetched: Boolean;     TOraStoredProc 
property Overload: Integer;     TBlob 
property AsString: String; 
procedure Assign(Source: TBlob);     10-Jan-00 New features in ODAC 2.10    - customized TSmartQuery data updating 
- supports DML array operations 
- macros in TOraSQL and TOraScript 
- TOraLoader component 
- supports Oracle 8 Lite 
- easy installation     TOraSession 
property ConnectString: String; 
property OCICallStyle: TOCIVersion; 
property OCISvcCtx: pOCISvcCtx; 
property Options: TOraSessionOptions;     TMemDataSet 
function LocateEx(const KeyFields: String; const KeyValues: Variant; 
  Options: TLocateExOptions): Boolean;     TOraDataSet 
procedure CreateProcCall(Name: String; Overload: Integer = 0); 
procedure GetErrorPos(var Row,Col: Integer); 
function ErrorOffset: Integer; 
function Executing: Boolean; 
function Fetching: Boolean;     property BaseSQL: String; 
property FinalSQL: String; 
property Options: TOraDataSetOptions default [doRequiredFields, doStrictUpdate, doLongString, doNumberRange]; 
property RefreshOptions: TRefreshOptions default [];     // obsolete 
property RefreshMode: TRefreshMode; 
property StrictUpdate: Boolean; 
property LocalConstraints: Boolean;     TOraQuery 
procedure ExecSQL;     TSmartQuery 
property SQLInsert: TSrings; 
property SQLDelete: TSrings; 
property SQLUpdate: TSrings; 
property SQLLock: TSrings; 
property SQLRefresh: TSrings;     TOraStoredProc 
procedure ExecProc;     TOraSQL 
procedure Prepare; 
procedure UnPrepare;     function Executing: Boolean; 
procedure WaitExecuting;     property ArrayLength: Integer; 
property Prepared: Boolean;     TOraScript 
function FindMacro(Name: String): TMacro; 
function MacroByName(Name: String): TMacro;     property Macros: TMacros; 
property BeforeExecute: TBeforeExecuteEvent;     14-Oct-99 New features in ODAC 2.00    - supports Oracle8 Objects 
- supports Oracle8 REFs 
- supports Oracle8 Arrays 
- supports Oracle8 Nested tables 
- supports Oracle8 BFiles 
- using RETURNING with Oracle8 
- smart refreshing 
- TOraNestedTable component 
- TOraScript component 
- TOraAlerter component 
- TBFileField component 
- TOraFile class 
- TOraLob class 
- TOraType class 
- TOraObject class 
- TOraRef class 
- TOraArray class 
- TOraNestTable class     TOraSession 
property ConnectPrompt: Boolean;     TOraDataSet 
function Executing: Boolean; 
function Fetching: Boolean; 
function ErrorOffset: Integer; 
function GetFile(const FieldName: String): TOraFile; 
function GetObject(const FieldName: String): TOraObject; 
function GetRef(const FieldName: String): TOraRef; 
function GetArray(const FieldName: String): TOraArray; 
function GetTable(const FieldName: String): TOraNestTable;     property RefreshMode: TRefreshMode;     TSmartQuery 
property DMLRefresh: Boolean; 
property SmartRefresh: Boolean;     TOraSQL 
function Executing: Boolean; 
procedure WaitExecuting; 
function ErrorOffset: Integer; 
property ParamValues[const ParamName: String]: Variant     TOraCursor 
function CanFetch: Boolean;     TParam 
property AsBFile: TOraFile; 
property AsObject: TOraObject; 
property AsRef: TOraRef; 
property AsArray: TOraArray; 
property AsTable: TOraTable;     TMacro 
property AsDateTime: TDateTime; 
property AsFloat: Double; 
property AsInteger: Integer; 
property AsString: String;     function AddWhere(SQL: String; Condition: String): String; 
function SetOrderBy(SQL: String; Fields: String): String; 
function GetOrderBy(SQL: String): String;     26-May-99 New features in ODAC 1.85    - TOraProvider component 
- TBDESession component 
- Support Oracle 8i 
- C   Builder 4 package     TOraDataSet 
procedure Unlock; 
procedure RefreshRecord;     property Filter: String; 
property FilterSQL: String; 
property StrictUpdate: Boolean;     property OnUpdateError: TUpdateErrorEvent; 
property OnUpdateRecord: TUpdateRecordEvent;     property OnFilterRecord: TFilterRecordEvent;     TOraQuery 
property SQLRefresh: TStrings;     TSmartQuery 
property FullRefresh: Boolean; 
property KeySequence: String;     TConnectDialog 
property SavePasword: Boolean;     TMacro 
property Active: Boolean;     12-Mar-99 New features in ODAC 1.75    - TOraTable component 
- TStoredProc component     TOraDataSet 
procedure Break;     property AfterExecute:TAfterExecuteEvent     TVirtualTable 
function AddField(Name: String; FieldType: TFieldType; Size: Word): TField;     01-Mar-99 New features in ODAC 1.70    - Supports BLOB and CLOB data types Oracle 8 
- Supports nested tables 
- TVirtualTable component 
- Embeded SQL Designer with PL/SQL debugger 
- C   Builder version     TOraSession 
function ExecSQL(Text: String; Params: array of Variant): Variant; 
function ExecProc(Name: String; Params: array of Variant): Variant; 
function ExecSQLEx(Text: String; Params: array of Variant): Variant; 
function ExecProcEx(Name: String; Params: array of Variant): Variant;     property OraSQL:TOraSQL; 
property OracleVersion: String; 
property OnConnectChange: TOnConnectChangeEvent;     TOraDataSet 
property IsQuery: Boolean; 
property IsPLSQL: Boolean; 
property LocalConstraints: Boolean; 
property ParamCount: Word; 
property ReturnParams: Boolean;     procedure Execute; 
function FindParam(Name: String): TParam; 
function GetDataType(const FieldName: String): Integer; 
function GetBlobRef(const FieldName: String): TBlob; 
function GetLobLocator(const FieldName: String): TLobLocator;     TOraQuery 
property ReturnParams: Boolean;     TSmartQuery 
property KeyFields: String;     TOraSQL 
property ParamCount: Word;     function FindParam(Name:string):TParam;     22-Oct-98 New features in ODAC 1.50    - Supports native interface Oracle 8.0 
- Supports PL/SQL tables 
- TOraErrorHandler     TOraDataSet 
procedure Prepare; 
procedure UnPrepare;     property AutoCommit; 
property Prepared;     TOraSQL 
procedure CreateProcCall(Name: String);     property AutoCommit;     17-May-98 New features in ODAC 1.20    TOraSession 
property Username; 
property Server;     TOraDataSet 
procedure Execute; 
function MacroByName(Name: String): TMacro; 
procedure ApplyUpdates; 
procedure CommitUpdates; 
procedure CancelUpdates; 
function UpdateStatus: TUpdateStatus;     property RowsProcessed; 
property UniDirectional; 
property Macros; 
property CachedUpdates; 
property UpdatesPending;     TOraQuery 
procedure Lock;     property SQLLock: TStrings;     TOraSQL 
property RowsProcessed;     05-Feb-98 First release of ODAC 1.00
系統時間:2024-10-05 9:51:38
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