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XP Menu V3.1(Feb 22, 2004 UPDATE Version)



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-03-05 11:54:12 IP:61.218.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
Feb 22, 2004 XP Menu is a none-visual component that changes the visual aspects of menus, toolbars and many other controls to nearly the same look and feel of MS Office XP. No code required, you do not have to reconstruct menus or toolbars using controls other than those shipped with Delphi. Home Page: http://www.shagrouni.com/english/software/xpmenu.html Notes on usage: http://www.shagrouni.com/english/software/xpusage.html Screen shots: http://www.shagrouni.com/english/software/xpfeaturse.html 使用範例:http://www.shagrouni.com/english/software/menu.html Installation

A. Unzip the files: XPMENU.PAS and XPMENU.DCR Into the same directory. 
B. From Delphi menu, Select File| New: Package. 
C. Press Add, and browse to add the unit XPMENU.PAS. 
D. Press Install. 
E. The component is now installed in a new 'XP' page. 
F. Save the package.
If you have a previous version installed:    Replace the old files (xpmenu.pas and xpmenu.dcr) with the new one, open the package and recompile. 
   If you encounter any problems remove all the compiled units .dcu, .bpl, .dcp (try to locate them also
in 'C:\Program Files\Borland\DelphiX\Projects\Bpl' and 'C:\Program Files\Borland\DelphiX\lib'), then
install pre-compiled units again. 
G. C   Builder 6使用者請升級至C   Builder 6 update patch 1以上( Solves building with Delphi sources and 3rd party components) 
http://community.borland.com/article/0,1410,28415,00.html        History     Feb 22, 2004, V3.1    Working on improvments.
Thanks to to all cotributions.
Apr 8, 2003, V3.0    Bugs fixed. 
Enhancement for flat border menu, multicolumn menu by Jiri Tulach 
Jan 19, 2003, V3 beta    The main changes in this version have been introduced by Uwe Runkel. He achieved what many xpMenu users asked for: 
One instance of the component to affect all the forms of the application.   
Hovering over main menuitem. 
Adding support for Listbox control.
Oct 5, 2002, 2.22    Support for TDBNavigator and (partly) TDBLookupComboBox. 
More bug fixes.
May 18, 2002, 2.21    More bug fixes.
Apr 29, 2002, V2.2    Bug fixes. 
Fixing Leftjustify allignmen in CheckBox and RadioButton.
Jan 10, 2002, V2.1    Adding support for SpeedButton, PageScroller, Panel and GroupBox.  
Enhancing controls appearanceEnhancing EditBox appearance. 
Support for HotImages and DisabledImages for Toolbar, kindly added by Sylvain Ntumba. 
Many Bug fixes.
Dec 14, 2001, V2.0    Supporting new controls, thanks to Heath Provost who made the basic code to subclass and paint combobox. The controls supported so far are: ComboBox, CustomEdit, CheckBox, RadioButton, Button, BitBtn and of course, Toolbar and Menu. 
Disabled text in tool bar buttons is drawn correctly now. 
xpMenu can detect menus and toolbars inside Frame. 
DimLevel and GrayLevel properties added to control the appearance of the bitmaps. (suggested by Warner and Enzo) 
Drawing bitmaps assigned to menu items is improved. - Fixing some problem caused by FlatMenu property. 
Active property behavior is changed, to enforce the component to draw new added controls; it must be set to false first. 
Adding 8 pixels to top menu items for WinNT based systems. (Suggested by Niki Bugarcici and Brian Slack   ) 
Fixing some drawing aspects.
Nov 2, 2001, V1.506    Changing the default color of menu bar. 
 Changing Form property type to TScrollingWinControl. (Suggested by Michael Martin .)
Oct 7, 2001, V1.505    Supporting ControlBar. Added by Michiel van Oudheusden. 
Sept 5, 2001, V1.504    Removing some problematic code lines in the procedure:  ToolBarDrawButton. This code causes unwanted effect on desktop  when activating the component at run time with form contains a ToolBarButton with MenuItem.
Sept 4, 2001 - V1.503    Bug fixed.
Sept 3, 2001 - V1.502    Bugs fixed. 
Sept 1, 2001 - V1.501    Passing beta stage. 
Some minor changes and bugs fixed.
July 29, 2001, V1.501 (Beta)     Adding AutoDetect property. 
Compatibility issues with Delphi4.
July 25, 2001, V1.5     Support for TToolbar. 
Getting closer to XP style appearance. 
New options. 
June 23, 2001    Compatibility issues with Delphi4. 
Changing the way of menus itration. 
Making the blue select rectangle little thinner. 
June 21, 2001    Bug fixes. 
Items correctly sized even if no image list assigned. 
Shaded colors for top menu items if fixed for some menu bar colors.
June 19, 2001     Release the first version.    
發表人 - axsoft 於 2004/03/05 12:08:41


#2 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-03-06 15:47:43 IP:61.221.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
請問有沒有人在 C Builder 6 上安裝成功的? 說明裡面寫C Builder 6至少要 update pack 1 以上,我己更新的 pack 4 了,卻還是無法安裝此元件?


#3 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-05-17 04:42:16 IP:140.123.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
引言: 請問有沒有人在 C Builder 6 上安裝成功的? 說明裡面寫C Builder 6至少要 update pack 1 以上,我己更新的 pack 4 了,卻還是無法安裝此元件?
剛剛測試 XPMenu 3.1 的結果, Package 的名稱不要設定為 XPMenu 就可以了. (如果 Package 的名稱為 XPMenu, BCB 會自動建立一個名為 XPMenu.cpp 的檔案, 導致與 XPMenu.pas 產生衝突)


#4 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2005-02-24 11:19:01 IP:211.148.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
XpMenu3.x CB6安裝方法:(假設沒有安裝舊版本) 1. file -> new -> other -> package 2. select requres -> add -> browse -> ($BCB6)\Lib\bcbsmp.bpi -> Ok 3. select contains -> add -> browse -> (xpMenu dir)\XPMenu.pas -> Ok 4. compile 5. install 6. Ok!
系統時間:2024-09-12 8:33:00
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