REST Service 的壓力測試時發生讀不到 RemoteIP 的問題 |
站務副站長 發表:240 回覆:1680 積分:1874 註冊:2005-06-21 發送簡訊給我 |
主要是在 DSServer.Connect 事件發生的問題
我的 Code 如下: [code delphi]procedure TWebModule2.DSServer1Connect( DSConnectEventObject: TDSConnectEventObject); begin TDSSessionManager.GetThreadSession.PutData('RemoteAddr', string(Request.RemoteAddr)); end; [/code] 在 Client 連續開啟關閉連線下 有時 Request.RemoteAddr 會出現以下兩種情況: 1. Empty String 2. Except: Privileged instruction 請問是我這行程式有問題嗎?在 XE - XE5 Update 2 下都會有上述的問題 附件中測試專案請用 XE 以上版本開啟,謝謝。 1/25 更新,此問題也同時上傳到 EMBT QC 中 Request not access in DSServer.OnConnect Event DSServer can not get the Client IP 1/28 更新,看來屬於 EMBT 的 BUG ,但修正時間不明。 不過還是有一半解: Thread: How to get Datasnap Client IP adress by Mathew DeLong 它是這麼寫的: To obtain the IP when a client is connecting, you can add an OnConnect event to the TDSServer component. In the event, get the IP with this code: IPAddress := DSConnectEventObject.ChannelInfo.Info You could then store the IP address in the current session, for later use. To do this, use the following code: TDSSessionManager.GetThreadSession.PutData('RemoteIP', IPAddress); However, this may not be necessary, as the IP may already be stored in the session. To get the IP from the session from within a server method, call this (requiring the DSService unit): TDSSessionManager.GetThreadSession.GetData('RemoteIP') |
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