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TCP/IP 參數總覽 / Resource Kit



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TCP/IP 參數總覽 / Resource Kit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [解說] marion.bbs@cis.nctu (來自火星的單細胞豬): 以下弟引出 Microsoft Resource Kit 關於 TCP/IP 的登錄參數說明以供參考您可以 用 Archie 在國內搜尋 RKTools.exe 自行安裝 Resource Kit Help 到自己的 Windows 95 裡面以供隨時查閱 Network Technical Discussion TCP/IP Protocol Microsoft TCP/IP Registry Parameters Introduction This section describes additional Registry settings that can be modified for Microsoft TCP/IP. Other TCP/IP settings should be changed only by using the Network option in Control Panel. Each parameter must be added to the correct key. For information about how to add entries in the Registry, see Windows 95 Registry. TCP/IP Registry Entries in the MSTCP Subkey The entries described here must be added to the following Registry key: Hkey_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\MSTCP BroadcastAddress = broadcast address in hexadecimal Specifies the address to use for NetBIOS name query broadcasts. The default is based on the IP address and the subnet mask. BcastNameQueryCount = integer Specifies the number of times the system will retry NetBIOS name query broadcasts. The default is 3. BcastQueryTimeout = milliseconds Specifies the period of time the system will wait before timing out broadcast name queries. The minimum value is 100. The default is 750. BSDUrgent = 0 or 1 If this value is 1, specifies that Microsoft TCP/IP is to treat urgent data the way some UNIX systems do (with a maximum of 1 byte of urgent data, for example). If this value is 0, it specifies that the stack is to handle urgent data as specified by RFC 1122. The default is 1. CacheTimeout = milliseconds Specifies how long NetBIOS names are cached. The minimum is 60000 milliseconds (1 minute). The default is 360000 milliseconds (6 minutes). DeadGWDetect = 0 or 1 Specifies whether Microsoft TCP/IP will use another gateway if the current default gateway seems to be down. The default is 1. DefaultRcvWindow = 16-bit number Specifies the default receive window advertised by TCP. The default is 8192. DefaultTOS = 8-bit number Specifies the default type of service (TOS) for IP packets initiated by Microsoft TCP/IP. The default is 0. DefaultTTL = 8-bit number Specifies the default time to live (TTL) for IP packets from Microsoft TCP/IP. The default is 32. DnsServerPort = port Specifies which DNS server port to send queries to when resolving a name using DNS. The default is 53. EnableProxy = 0 or 1 If this value is 1, specifies that this computer is a WINS proxy agent. The default is 0. EnableRouting = 0 or 1 Specifies whether to enable static routing. Microsoft TCP/IP does not supply a routing protocol, so all route table entries must be entered using the route command. The default is 0. IGMPLevel = 0, 1, or 2 Specifies the level of support allowed for IP multicast, corresponding to the levels in RFC 1112. The default is 2. InitialRefreshT.O. = milliseconds Specifies the interval over which to contact WINS to refresh the name. The minimum is 16 minutes, and the maximum is approximately 50 days (0xFFFFFFFF). The default is 960000 milliseconds (16 minutes). KeepAliveTime = 32-bit number Specifies the connection idle time in milliseconds before TCP will begin sending keepalives, if keepalives are enabled on a connection. The default is 2 hours (7200000). KeepAliveInterval = 32-bit number Specifies the time in milliseconds between retransmissions of keepalives, once the KeepAliveTime has expired. Once KeepAliveTime has expired, keepalives are sent every KeepAliveInterval milliseconds until a response is received, up to a maximum of MaxDataRetries before the connection is aborted. The default is 1 second (1000). LmhostsTimeout = milliseconds Specifies the period of time the system will wait before timing out when seeking LMHOSTS for name resolution. The minimum value is 1000 (1 second). The default is 10000 (10 seconds). MaxConnections = 32-bit number Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections. The default is 100. MaxConnectRetries = 32-bit number Specifies the number of times a connection attempt (SYN) will be retransmitted before giving up. The initial retransmission timeout is 3 seconds, and it is doubled each time up to a maximum of 2 minutes. The default is 3. MaxDataRetries = 32-bit number Specifies the maximum number of times a segment carrying data or an FIN will be retransmitted before the connection is aborted. The retransmission timeout itself is adaptive and will vary according to link conditions. The default is 5. NameServerPort = port Specifies the UDP port on the name server to which to send name queries or registrations. The default is 137. NameSrvQueryCount = integer Specifies the number of times the system will try to contact the WINS server for NetBIOS name resolution. The default is 3. NameSrvQueryTimeout = milliseconds Specifies how long the system waits before timing out a name server query. The minimum is 100. The default is 750. NameTableSize = integer Specifies the maximum number of names in the NetBIOS name table. The minimum allowable value is 1 and the maximum is 255. The default is 17. NodeType = 1, 2, 4, or 8 Specifies the mode of NetBIOS name resolution used by NetBIOS over TCP/IP, where 1 = b-node, 2 = p-node, 4 = m-node, and 8 = h-node. This value can be configured using DHCP. The default is 1 (b-node), if no value is specified; if WINS servers are specified and NodeType is not, then the default is 8 (h-node). PMTUBlackHoleDetect = 0 or 1 Specifies whether the stack will attempt to detect Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) routers that do not send back ICMP fragmentation-needed messages. Setting this parameter when it is not needed can cause performance degradation. The default is 0. PMTUDiscovery = 0 or 1 Specifies whether Microsoft TCP/IP will attempt to do path MTU discovery as specified in RFC 1191. The default is 1. RandomAdapter = 0 or 1 For a computer with multiple network adapters, specifies whether to respond with an IP address selected randomly from the set of addresses on the computer or whether to return the IP address of the adapter that the request came in upon. The default is 0 (not random; that is, return the address of the adapter that the request came in on). RoutingBufSize = 32-bit number Specifies the total amount of buffer space to allocate for routing packets. This parameter is ignored if EnableRouting=0. The default is 73216. RoutingPackets = 32-bit number Specifies the maximum number of packets that can be routed simultaneously. This parameter is ignored if EnableRouting=0. The default is 50. SessionKeepAlive = milliseconds Specifies how often to send session keepalive packets on active sessions. The minimum is 60 seconds. The default is 3600 seconds (1 hour). SessionTableSize = integer Specifies the maximum number of sessions in the NetBIOS session table. The minimum allowable value is 1 and the maximum is 255. The default is 255. SingleResponse = 0 or 1 For a computer with multiple network adapters, specifies whether to send all IP addresses on a name query request from WINS. If this value is 1, the system will send one address in a name query response; if 0, it will return all the addresses of its adapters. The default is 0. Size/Small/Medium/Large = 1, 2, or 3 Specifies how many buffers of various types to preallocate and the maximum that can be allocated, where 1 = small, 2 = medium, and 3 = large. The default is 1; the default is 3 if the WINS proxy is enabled. TCP/IP Registry Entries in the ServiceProvider This section describes variables for subkeys that appear in the following Registry key: Hkey_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\MSTCP \ServiceProvider The following keys describe the order used to resolve host names. A lower number sets a higher priority for name resolution. These settings are used for 16-bit Windows Sockets, which need to rely on the resolvers that are expected to take the least time. The numbers indicate the default values specified in Windows 95. LocalPriority = 499 HostsPriority = 500 DNSPriority = 2000 NetbtPriority = 2001 TCP/IP Registry Entries in the NetTrans Subkey The entries in this section must be added to the following Registry key, where n represents the particular TCP/IP-to-network adapter binding. Hkey_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\netTrans\000n MaxMTU = 16-bit integer Specifies the maximum size datagram IP that can pass to a media driver. SNAP and source routing headers (if used on the media) are not included in this value. For example, on an ethernet network, MaxMTU will default to 1500. The actual value used will be the minimum of the value specified with this parameter and the size reported by the media driver. The default is the size reported by the media driver. *************************************************************************** 哈哈&兵燹 最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好
最會的2大絕招 這個不會與那個也不會 哈哈哈 粉好

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