在BCB中包含shlobj.h出现重命名的问题以及如何呼叫一个目录对话 |
版主 發表:238 回覆:523 積分:312 註冊:2003-04-28 發送簡訊給我 |
大多专业软件在要求输入目录的编辑框旁都放了一个按钮,点击后打开一个目录窗口,我也想在程式中实现这个功能.实现这个功能要调用Windows API函数SHBrowseForFolder,完整声明为WINSHELLAPI LPITEMIDLIST WINAPI SHBrowseForFolder(LPBROWSEINFO lpbi),返回一个ITEMIDLIST类型的指针,通过这个指针调用函数SHGetPathFromIDList可以确定所选择的目录的全名称.入参为BROWSEINFO结构的指针.要使用SHBrowseForFolder的时候,不包含shlobj.h则该函数未定义,包含了shlobj.h则有一大堆东西重定义。请问具体怎么回事?
#define NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN //必须放在#include这样编译能通过. 第二种:将FVSHOWINFO改为FVSHOWINFOA,然后保存shlobj.h! 呀,整个世界清净了! 可是我觉得很奇怪的是:在BCB5自带的例子\CBuilder5\Examples\WinTools中也同样用到了目录对话框,可是为什么它又没有加shlobj.h,而只在最前面用了 #define NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 我现在思路很凌乱,不知道怎么一会事 还有该如何实现一个目录对话框呢?能不能给个例子看看,大大们,又劳您们废心解答了,谢谢!!! 人生在勤,不索何获?
人生在勤,不索何获? | |||||||||||||||
站務副站長 發表:321 回覆:2519 積分:1711 註冊:2002-04-15 發送簡訊給我 |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include沒空更新的網頁... http://dllee.ktop.com.tw C及指標教學,計算機概論,資訊管理導論... http://dllee.adsldns.org 介紹Shells,LiteStep,GeoShell....
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版主 發表:681 回覆:1056 積分:969 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
Fix compiler errors in shellapi.h or shlobj.hhttp://www.bcbdev.com/faqs/faq91.htm Answer You may encounter compiler errors in the API header files shellapi.h and shlobj.h if you try to include them from a BCB5 VCL program. The problem is caused by conflicts between the API header files, and the VCL header files shlobj.hpp and shellapi.hpp. The HPP version of the files exist for the sake of other VCL headers (ie you should never need to include shlobj.hpp or shellapi.hpp in your code). The solution to shellapi.h and shlobj.h compiler errors is to globally define the constant NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN in your project. You can do this in the IDE from the Directories/Conditionals tab of the project options dialog. Enter NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN in the Conditional Defines box. If you have multiple defines listed, you can separate them with semicolons. If you compile from the commandline, you can define NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN inside your makefile, or by passing it to make with the -D switch. You can also use the -D switch if you compile directly with bcc32. You might be tempted to define NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN by placing a #define statement right in the source file that needs shlobj.h or shellapi.h. Like this:#includeUnfortunately, this won't help. NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN must be defined before you include vcl.h. To understand why, look at the files vcl0.h and shlobj.hpp. Since NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN must be defined before including vcl.h, you could try this: #define NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #includeThis will solve the compiler errors, but it will also disrupt your use of precompiled header files. As a result, your project will take longer to compile. For information on why, see the article on precompiled header use. Since you can't use a local #define to solve the problem, you are forced to define NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN globally in your project options or makefile. While this will solve your problems regarding shlobj.h, it does come at a cost. Defining NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN forces vcl0.h not to define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN (note the missing NO_). WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN affects how many header files are pulled in when you include windows.h. If WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN is defined, fewer API header files are included (see windows.h to understand why). Defining NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN prevents the definition of WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN, which in turn causes more API header files to be pulled in when windows.h is included (windows.h is included by all VCL apps via sysmac.h). These extra header files usually aren't necessary, and may increase your compile times slightly. Otherwise, the extra header files shouldn't cause any problems. HAVE A NICE DAY FOR YOU |
版主 發表:681 回覆:1056 積分:969 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
Add a file to the list of recently opened fileshttp://www.bcbdev.com/faqs/faq51.htm Answer: Windows 95 and Windows NT 4 allow users to re-open previous files by selecting the Documents menu option under the Start taskbar menu. For example, if you open a document in Microsoft Word, the filename is added to the recently opened documents list so you can access the file from the taskbar. To add a document to the list of recently opened files, use the SHAddToRecentDocs API function. Here is an example:#includeNote: The first argument to SHAddToRecentDocs should be either SHARD_PATH or SHARD_PIDL. If you want to pass the filename as a string, use the SHARD_PATH value. SHARD_PIDL allows you to pass a pointer to an ITEMIDLIST (the ITEMIDLIST structure relates to shell programming with the shell namespace functions; SHGetDesktopFolder, SHGetMalloc and friends). Note: You can clear all of the items in the list of recent files by passing NULL as the second example. // Clear out all documents in the list SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATH, NULL); Note: While testing the code for this FAQ, I found out that the shell will not allow you to add a file to the recent files list if that file does not have an associated program. For example, I tried to add the file UNIT1.~H to the list. Since files with the ~H extension don't have a registered program that opens them, the shell refused to put UNIT1.~H in the list. This makes sense. When you select a file from the recent files list, Windows opens that file with its associated viewer. It can't open a file that has no associated viewer. This behavior was witnessed on Windows NT 4. Note: There is a a problem with shlobj.h and BCB 5. If you include shlobj.h in a BCB5 GUI project, you may get a strange compiler error, such as this: [C Error] shlobj.h(1762): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'FVSHOWINFO' [C Error] shlobj.h(1936): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'FOLDERSETTINGS' [C Error] shlobj.h(3717): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'DESKBANDINFO' [C Error] shlobj.h(4808): E2238 Multiple declaration for 'SHELLFLAGSTATE' You can eliminate these errors by adding the string NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN to the conditional defines of your project. To see what impact this has, open the file vcl0.h in a text editor. HAVE A NICE DAY FOR YOU 發表人 - axsoft 於 2003/06/27 01:04:17 |
版主 發表:681 回覆:1056 積分:969 註冊:2002-03-13 發送簡訊給我 |
版主 發表:238 回覆:523 積分:312 註冊:2003-04-28 發送簡訊給我 |
BROWSERINFO 函数功能: 得到用户选择的目录信息 typedef struct _browseinfo { HWND hwndOwner; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlRoot; LPCSTR lpszTitle; UINT ulFlags; BFFCALLBACK lParam; int iImage; } BROWSEINFO, *PBROWSEINFO, *LPBROWSEINFO; 参数: hwndOwner 对话框所属的窗体,可以设置为Application->Handle pidlRoot 一个指向ITEMIDLIST的指针,它详细的指出了浏览出现的根目录.如果为NULL,则以桌面文件夹为根目录 pszDisplayName 选择后,所选目录的名称(不包含父级目录)被拷贝到这个指针指向的位置 lpszTitle 作为标题显示在对话框中目录树的上面(最好设置为dlephi.ktop.com.tw吧) ulFlags 标志位,详细的说明了在对话框列表的类型,一般为:BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS 这些参数包括零和下面更多的值: BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER 仅仅返回选择的电脑. BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER 仅仅返回选择的打印机. BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN 在网上邻居上显示的电脑,包括映射的文件夹等 BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS 如果用户选择了任何一个当前根目录,则"OK"变灰,只有选择当前目录下的子目录才行 BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS 只要是当前列出的目录,不管是否是根目录,都能使用 BIF_STATUSTEXT 包含对话框的状态区域.这个回叫功能发送新的消息到对话框 lpfn 回调函数,一般不用,设置为NULL lParam 预定义的对话框传递给回调函数的值 ilmage 与所选目录相关联的图标在系统图标集合中的索引然后是编译通过了的代码(BCB5 Win2000 SP3) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN //残念啊,一定要加在最前面 #include同时真诚感谢dllee和axsoft两位大大的热心帮助!!! 人生在勤,不索何获?
人生在勤,不索何获? |
站務副站長 發表:321 回覆:2519 積分:1711 註冊:2002-04-15 發送簡訊給我 |
NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 是一定要 #define 而且要在最前面,這在 axsoft 版主提供的文件中已有說明,如果放在那,也可以放在 Project Option -> Directories/Conditionals 中的 Conditional defines
另外,我自己在試的時候是不需要 include shlobj.h 的,我的系統是 XP HomeEd SP1, BCB5 提供參考。 沒空更新的網頁...
http://dllee.ktop.com.tw C及指標教學,計算機概論,資訊管理導論... http://dllee.adsldns.org 介紹Shells,LiteStep,GeoShell....
http://www.ViewMove.com |
版主 發表:238 回覆:523 積分:312 註冊:2003-04-28 發送簡訊給我 |
站務副站長 發表:321 回覆:2519 積分:1711 註冊:2002-04-15 發送簡訊給我 |
如果是我自己寫的,只會很簡單的用 TOpenDialog,如下:
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { OpenDialog1->InitialDir="."; // 自定初始目錄 OpenDialog1->FileName="請選擇目錄"; if(OpenDialog1->Execute()) { ShowMessage(ExtractFilePath(OpenDialog1->FileName)); } }如果真的要炫一點,我想,請您參考 turboted 版主的大作: ■【BCB】【發表】TreeView ListView 讀出系統檔案圖 http://delphi.ktop.com.tw/topic.php?TOPIC_ID=30476 沒空更新的網頁... http://dllee.ktop.com.tw C及指標教學,計算機概論,資訊管理導論... http://dllee.adsldns.org 介紹Shells,LiteStep,GeoShell....
http://www.ViewMove.com |
版主 發表:238 回覆:523 積分:312 註冊:2003-04-28 發送簡訊給我 |
站務副站長 發表:321 回覆:2519 積分:1711 註冊:2002-04-15 發送簡訊給我 |
引言: dllee大大,请您再回答我一个问题好吗? 我想调用"更改图标"对话框,该怎样做,指条明路嘛! 人生在勤,不索何获? >>< face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica"> 請參考: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Programming_Languages/Delphi/Q_20346308.html 或 http://www.codeproject.com/shell/selecticon.asp 沒空更新的網頁... http://dllee.ktop.com.tw C及指標教學,計算機概論,資訊管理導論... http://dllee.adsldns.org 介紹Shells,LiteStep,GeoShell....
http://www.ViewMove.com |
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