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Xbox Linux on Unmodded Xbox



#1 引用回覆 回覆 發表時間:2004-05-22 21:30:50 IP:61.64.xxx.xxx 未訂閱
http://www.xbox-linux.org/docs/en-howtoexploit.html 展示影片檔 請自己去網站下載 其中的mp4檔2個約300多mb
 Xbox Linux on Unmodded Xbox / Xbox Linux without Modchip    by Michael Steil , 5 July 2003 (updated 29 March 2004) 
1. Introduction
The Xbox is an IBM PC, with one difference: It only runs code authorized by Microsoft, i.e. all executables have to be signed with Microsoft's private key. That's why Linux won't run if you simply insert the Xbox Linux install CD into a standard Xbox.    But now, there are several ways to circumvent this limitation:    The 007/Mechassault method 
The Dashboard method 
The onboard TSOP method 
Please note that depending on your local law, these methods might void your warranty. We will not be responsible for any damage done to your Xbox - or yourself...    1.1 The 007/Mechassault method
Both the game "007 Agent Under Fire" (Electronic Arts) and the game "MechAssault" (Microsoft) contain malfunctions that make it possible to run Linux by infiltrating Linux. All you have to do is load a savegame that has been modified in a certain way, and Linux will start.    The problem is that, with this method, you will have to insert the game CD and select "Load game" every time you want to start Linux. Additionally, it is impossible to eject the DVD while Linux is running.    1.2 The Dashboard method
Another malfunction in the Dashboard, the application that runs when there is no game in the DVD drive, makes it possible run Linux every time you turn on the Xbox - instead of the Dashboard, Linux will be started. By using the 007/Mechassault methods to install the Dashboard modification, you only have to use the game DVD once, from that time on, Linux will always run when there is no game in the DVD drive - and you don't ever have to open the Xbox. You can even eject the DVD when booting from hard disk.    1.3 The onboard TSOP method
When you're in control of the machine, for example by using the 007/MechAssault method to run Linux once, it is possible to overwrite the contents of the onboard Flash chip, which contains the Xbox kernel, with the Xbox Linux BIOS - well, not exactly, the Flash ROM is write protected, so you have open the Xbox and solder at two points on the motherboard (which is very easy) in order to disable the ROM write protection. But then, you can overwrite it.    The Xbox Linux BIOS will then always start immediately when you turn on the Xbox, and try to start Linux from hard disk or CD/DVD. The con of this method is, that you cannot play any games any more, but the pro is, that you can replace the hard disk with a bigger one, since the Xbox is open anyway.    Doing the modifications
2.1 The 007/Mechassault method
Ingredients    either the game "007 Agent Under Fire" or the game "MechAssault" 
either of the modified savegames, depending on the game you have 
a method to write to USB storage devices formatted with FATX (see below) 
These are the different methods to write to USB storage devices with the FATX file system:    using another Xbox that is already modified, as well as either a PC USB storage device, such as a USB stick, or an Xbox memory unit 
using a PC USB storage device with a FATX enabled Linux on a PC 
using a PC USB storage device from within PC or Xbox Linux, if you already have FATX images of the savegame 
opening the Xbox and hot-swapping it to a Linux PC that understands FATX - this way you need no USB stick or memory card at all, but you have to open the Xbox 
2.1.1 Copying the savegame to the USB device
The idea is to copy a modified savegame (that will make the game crash and load Linux) onto your unmodified Xbox. Without opening the Xbox, this can only be done using an Xbox memory unit. The Xbox also accepts most USB storage media, such as USB sticks or ZIP drives as memory units. Creating the memory unit using another Xbox
For this method, you need another Xbox that is modified so that you can upload savegames to the E: drive. Then you have to connect the USB stick or the Xbox memory unit and copy the savegame to the USB device, using the Dashboard's savegame management functions. Creating the memory unit using a FATX-enabled PC
For this method, you need a USB storage device (an Xbox memory unit will not work) and an Xbox USB adaptor. You have to compile a Linux kernel that includes the FATX filesystem, by patching your kernel sources with the Xbox Linux patch and only enabling FATX. Then your PC will be able to read and write FATX file systems. First connect the USB device to the Xbox, using the adaptor, and enter the "Memory" menu, so that the Xbox formats the device. Then connect it to the PC, and copy the savegame files onto it. Creating the memory unit using a Linux-PC and the FATX-images
If you happen to have the savegame in FATX image format instead of ZIP/TGZ, you can use a Linux computer to write the raw image to the USB device using the "dd" command. As with 2.1.2, no Xbox memory units will work with this method, and you'll need an Xbox USB adaptor to connect the USB device to the Xbox afterwards. Opening the Xbox and hot-swapping the hard disk
This way, you need no USB device or Xbox memory unit at all, but you have to open your Xbox, hotswap the hard drive when the Xbox is turned on to a FATX- and Xbox-partitioning-enabled Linux computer (i.e. you have to compile a kernel) that is also running and in the LILO/Grub boot menu. The PC will recognize the Xbox hard disk, and you will be able to mount the E: drive and copy the savegame into the subdirectory UDATA.    Using this method, the savegame is already on the target hard disk, you can skip the step described in 2.1.2.    2.1.2 Copying the savegame to the Xbox hard disk
As soon as you have the savegame on the USB device, you can connect it to your unmodded Xbox and use the dashboard to copy it to the Xbox hard disk.    2.1.3 Running Linux
Now run the game and choose "Load Game". On 007, choose "Xbox Hard Disk", in MechAssault, choose "Run Linux". Linux will now start. You can repeat this step whenever you want to run Linux, you don't need the USB device any more - you can even use it to copy the savegame to as many other Xboxes as you like.    2.2 The Dashboard method
You can easily permanently install Linux to the Xbox hard disk, so that it boots every time you turn on the Xbox. You can still run games, just by inserting a game DVD when you turn on the Xbox.    It is strongly recommended that you update your Xbox dashboard to the "Xbox Live" enabled version (4 menu entries instead of 3), by selecting "Xbox Live" in any Live-enabled Xbox game such as MechAssault. You don't need an Xbox Live membership, just select the menu entry.    Now just run Linux on your unmodded Xbox using the method described in 2.1, then, using Linux, go to C:\, rename the "fonts" directory to "fonts.old", create a new "fonts" directory and copy ernie.xtf and bert.xtf into this directory. Then copy the default.xbe distributed with the Dashboard hack to C:\, as well as your linuxboot.cfg, your vmlinuz and your initrd. The next time you start the Xbox without a game in the drive, Linux will start.    You can easily uninstall Linux by just renaming font.old back, using Linux.    Note that you need the game every time you want to install Linux, or uninstall Linux if the installed Linux is broken. As long as Linux is installed, you cannot use the Dashboard any more.    Warning:If you unplug the Xbox so that it loses the time, the Dasboard will always start when you turn on the Xbox, asking for the current date and time, ignoring a disc in the DVD drive. If this happens, and the Linux on your hard drive is broken (missing kernel or initrd, for example), there is currently no way to uninstall Linux without opening the Xbox, because you cannot run a one-time-Linux using the method described in 2.1 any more. Please be careful, we're working on a solution already.    Note that this does not apply to the MechInstaller method. There is the possibility that you run into similar problems when the MechInstaller method has been applied to your Xbox, but it can easily be solved by just turning the Xbox on and letting it loop for half an hour.    2.3 The onboard TSOP method
Another method to install Linux permanently is to reprogram the Flash ROM on the Xbox motherboard with the Xbox Linux BIOS. But for this solution, you need to open the Xbox and solder two bridges on the motherboard, to disable the write-protection, as described on Xbox-Scene. Please ignore the paragraph about modchips and "EvoX", just close the two bridges.    Afterwards, run Linux using the 007 or MechAssault method described in 2.1. Upload raincoat and the Xbox Linux BIOS ("Cromwell") image to your Xbox, if you don't have them there already, and type    raincoat -p cromwell.bin    Caution! If you have a 1.0 or 1.1 Xbox (1 MB Flash ROM), you need to use the 1024 KByte version of the image, or else you will break your Xbox!    Every time you turn on the Xbox, the Xbox Linux BIOS will start and ask for a Linux installation CD, as long as you haven't installed Linux to the hard disk.    Please note that the Xbox Linux BIOS will not run any games!    3. Links
At the moment, we cannot provide direct links to the savegames, so you have to find them yourself (the Xbox Linux website is a good starting point, though), but we're considering to put together a list of links soon.    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Everything done on this project is for the sole purpose of writing interoperable software under Sect. 1201 (f) Reverse Engineering exception of the DMCA. 
The Xbox Linux Project 
發表人 - conundrum 於 2004/05/22 22:03:28
系統時間:2024-09-14 19:46:41
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