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TbcParser - Mathematical Expression Parser (V1.01 CB3 CB4 CB5 D4 D5)



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名稱:TbcParser - Mathematical Expression Parser 版本:V1.01 原始程式:需購買或註冊 註冊網址 適用:(CB3)(CB4)(CB5)(D4)(D5) 版權種類:分享軟體(Shareware) 作者:Ali Demir 原創公司:Bestcode 出處網址:http://www.bestcode.com 說明: TbcParser implements parse once-evaluate many times type of parsing for mathematical expressions given as strings.
TbcParser is especially useful in scientific, engineering programs.
It allows creation of custom variables and functions to be used in the expressions. Its internal arithmetic uses Extended?storage for floating point numbers.
This mathematical expression parser component parses and evaluates a mathematical expression that may contain variables and functions. Examples to typical expressions are:
  • 'SIN(3.14) 5^2 POW(2,7)-MAX(10,20)'
  • '( [ SIN(X)^2 ] COS(1) ) * PI/2'
  • '( COSH(2.71) SINH( COS(0.5) * POW(0.2345, 0.67) )) - LOG(1-X^2 X^5)'
  • '(90 292*POW(X,0.31))*(1 0.025*LOG(Y))*(1-1*POW(Y X,1.09))'
  • '25993.894*EXP(-1.53389*(X-32))*POW(X, 0.13547)*POW(Y, 0.38603)*EXP(-0.36222*Y)'
The user can add/remove his/her own custom variables and functions to be used in the expression. To be efficient in repeated calculations, parser creates a parse tree at first and reuses this parse tree for each evaluation without the need to reparse.
If Optimization is on, the parse tree will be optimized by calculating constant expression sections at once so that further evaluation requests will be quicker.
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系統時間:2024-09-30 16:14:45
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